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Show May 22, 1966 - : RON BROWN Lad of Year LINDA FISHBURN _. Lassie of Year ATHLETICS, ACADEMICS fia | To Top Performers - | Ben Lomond High School’s and lassie .of the year are lad j of Utah — Brown and Linda Fishburn. Ron) Washington Dale Blair, Reona and Lana Thomp- captains. Cheryl Sommerville, He also Served as president of Critchelow, Gary Dana, Gay dance clan. °°)". Detton, Alta Fowers, Fos ter roe ee CLASS SEC RETeyARY . Nene ee ones, dni ie eee Hyer, ee Jeannie ers, eryl eon . Lyons, Glen MoyesLangli ; track—Ron sented B.L. at Girl’s State. She| Pofferter, Scott Maw; football Cur is presently Serving as stude nt ae body vice president. She is. al. ; ‘ Carter 4 and a oe member of the pep club. | +The new pep club office At the awards assembly ate: Marsha Haacke, president;rs following awards were presethe/| ed: outstanding scholar, nt:/Janice Patterson, vice _ president: Lana Iverson, secretary; Moore; athlete of the year, Jon/| Bob Sherry Blackly, h isto Gillespie; best in business, Bon-| rian; nie Neilson: basketball playmak- Jackie Downs, publicity manaer of the year, Kevin Mass /8¢r: Vickie Hoffenbeck, drill ey; |Mistress and Debbie Miller, cobest in home living, Gay Detton: /drill mistress. Next year’s squad best in sewing, Bev Rosell; best| leade rs are: Barbara P utnam, hopscotch player, senior Bob | Shaunna Beckstead, (Tina eilson. — San Industrial arts superior: Eq|sachez, Jeannette Kelly, and SuTune, Larry Smiley, Ayan Bry- n_ Atkinson. Cher yl Tams, ner, Larry Sodendeck, Jo Hen-|/Nancy Brockmier, Sandy Beacraft , clirath were chosen Patty The seniors won the spirit da Muraas flag twirlers with Linas Sen a) ee hy, and the juniors won the| Next year' s seminary office for the hest assem derson. bly. are, president, Roger P l| | | |