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Show B. PHYSICAL EDUCATION L. H. &. STUDENT'S for 1965-66 HANDBOOK LOCKERS: Students are required to pay $1.00 rental fee for their locker in the gym. The student will pay this fee at time of registeration and will receive a receipt which he gives to his P.E. teacher for his locker. At the close of the year, if the locker is complete with lock, student may obtain his receipt from his P.E. teacher and 50¢ will be refunded at the bookstore. TRANSPORTATION; Bus tickets will be issued at the bookstore to all pupils entitled to transportation All students living beyond the two mile limit should apply at the bookstore for bus tickets. The area beyond the two mile limit includes West Ogden and the area north of 24th Street and west of Washington Blvd. to 17th Street. At 17th street, the line goes west to Grant Ave., north to 15th St., west to Lincoln Ave., north to 14th St., west to Wall Ave., and north to 13th St. The northern boundary of the two mile limit runs from the intersection of 2nd St. and Wall Ave. to 304 Harrisville Rd. BOOKSTORE AND LIBRARY SCHEDULES The bookstore will be open during the first week of school and students will be called from class to purchase books. The Library will be open continually from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. while school is in ses&ion. The bookstore will be open before and after STUDENT school, during the lst and 2nd lunch periods, and between classes. FEES In some departments, students will not be required to have a text book. Students will be required to pay a rental fee which will entitle them to use texts and reference material furnished by the department. Fees will be required in the following classes; reading. UNIFORMS Foods, - MUSIC clothing, chemistry, speech and drama, auto mechanics and DEPARTMENT Students in the music department have the privilege of wearing band uniforms and choral uniforms. These uniforms are school property and students have the responsibility to respect and care for this property. Any part of the uniform not returned or is damaged, must be paid for by the student. DRIVER EDUCATION Students who wish Deloss Eggleston. school. to receive Instruction instruction in Driver in Driver Training Training will must be given register before and with Mr. after CAFETERIA Monday, August $1.25 a week. wish. Milk, 30, the cafeteria will begin serving a balanced lunch at the cost of Students cold drinks, are welcome ice cream to bring and candy their will own be lunch on sale to school in the if they cafeteria. so The lunch periods are determined by the fourth period class. The new wings, Gym and Seminary will have firet lunch. The balance of the school will have second lunch. Students are requested to stay out of the halls where classes are in session during 5 their lunch period. « fs |