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Show Maroh. 23, 1966 eber Judges Fo ee ake: Mr. Noid Mr. M _ Mr. Easton Dr. Bateman Dr. Stanford Dr. Moyle Di Saat|} POR teachers are first-round — for the Northern Re1 of the 1966 Sterling ScholAwards program, spond by the Deseret News, Radio and KSL-TV. Their job is to cut the field of candidates in each cate- ory to five to represent high chools in the region, ne schools are Bear River, _ Lomond, Bonneville, nuiful, Box Elder, ClearDavis, Logan, Ogden Sky View, Viewmont and _ sixty finalists these Select will join other ts from the Central and — Regions in final April 7 at the Univer- Utah. ral judges ‘ from this ® will participate in the Mr. Pederson Mrs. Wise Mrs. Mumford final judging, which will in clude a personal, interview with a total - “14 students from each of the 12 categories. - Purpose of the Sterling Scholar program is to recog- nize outstanding high school seniors. The ultimate recognition will come Thursday Miss Heaps Mr.Ex Mr. Henrie At that time, winners of three cash awards in each category will be announced, Here are the Weber State College judges fields: and ia speech, and M. Noid, hea department, --Mathematics their _ Stratopoulos, ; — _ sor of mather ard J. Easton Mr. Elray L. Pedersen and fessor of math English and Literature Mrs. VaLoy J. Boothe, instruc- gineering. — night, April 14, when all final- . tors of English. Social Scienc ists will be honored on a speSpeech and Drama — Mr. _C. Bateman, cial hour-long program at Highland High School Robert Mukai, and assistant debate coach professor of litical _ sciei a |