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Show December 23,° 19G5 oy Royal Recrd 60-54 | Victory Over Ben Lomond _- By DON WARNER | The game A fighting rip of ie ae | started on a slow at the end of three quarters of ORS Hide note as both teams had diffi-| play. 2 furious lest quarter’ charge| wlly finding the range after = wa g _ BALANCED ATTACK by the Ben Lomond Scots, hung|Ben Lomonds opening baskets _ For Roy, it was a balanced at- on for a 60-54 Region One vic-| by Lee Cassity and Keven Ma- tack with Kap leading the way jtory in a game played on the/S¢y. Then, Roy’s Brent Kap and with 16 points, all from the field, | Scotties home floor Wednesday|Jack Bell started to pop from and all from way outside. Rich’ ts _ ’ outside to match the sharp Schiffman pumped in 13 and Rex | Blistering the nets from out-|Shooting of Massey, and the Stevens 1.1 . Gene Buhler added i}side, the R y Royals took a 46-/ first period came to a close with 7 points for Roy and played a |41 advantage into the final pe-|the Scots clining to a narrow fine floor game as did Jack riod of play, then hung on as/ 12-11 margin. Bell with 9 markers and a mit In the second period, the Roy- full of rebounds. ~ |the Scots, led by 5-10 jumping| ‘jack Sylvester Scott, began to|@ls began to move on the outside . For. Ber n Lomon, it was Sylj}come on like gang busters. sniping of Kap and inside work yes scott and Keven Massey. | With 3:30 left in the game,|/0 cattle lanky Rex Steven and Roy| Mag oe in 21 points Don Scott hit one from the char-| Went into the locker room with and | scott added 14. Scott must jity line for the Scots, and Ben|@ 30-25 halftime advantage. — have pulled down 50 per cent of |Lomond had cut the margin) , Ben Lomond’s Sylvester Scott Ben Lomonds rebounds and | to 53-50. But, Roy’s Rich Schiff-|took in the third pe- | stood out likea giant in defeat. 0K command and man pumped in a pair from out-|Ti0d of play as he was all over| Box score: ae side to shoot the Royals out of|the court hauling down r Can. ss ieBen Lomond reach as the Scots desperately| bounds and. iin driving hard down|$ 36 | the center lane for vital bas-|o 0-0 6Ja. Johnson Massey 8 5-5 21 Taggart 20-0 4 — tried to catch up. =|kets as he a and aiiMassey led 'a Ben|? 9.9 Widdison " |Lomond bid. ot 1 2:2 4 Steed . 3-5 1611 Keo Stvensn ‘ Roy withstood Scott’s’ assault ||44 30 cel as Ys Dinsdale 0 0-0 D. Cato Scott 1 b0 2-4 King 0 0.0 as substitute forward Robert|3 1-1 7 Buhler Steed, Kap and Stevens, and|? 99 0 Maw TOMES, oe 1 workhorse guard Gene Buhler) 24 12.18 60 Totals —-s- 19 16-23 0 {8 54 effort, to cling to a 46-41 lead | Ben Lomond Ba matched Ben Lomonds every pre Mae ae We 95° a 0 64 ast \afternoon. |