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Show March a Carol Sohnson : John - | Hanks — 1966_ 2 Michael ni le Hoopes Richard s=—_ s Way Stanley —-— Alan “Green = Bawards tt aici Pc Mba tte * 23, Ernest Glen eee Garret e . Mary | Dennis Richard Anderson —s-: Robert Deputy Or Mens A 30-piece symphony orches-|: Roy. — Ronnie T. Koga, son of Hillcrest — Mary Dennis, _ tra could be formed out of the Mr, and Mrs. Tosh Koga, 2315 ‘daughter of Mr. and Mrs. _ accompanying group high school students, of Utah W. 6000 South, Roy. LeRoy Dyson, i ers St., Sandy. Sky View — Dan Ivan Stowell, Jordan — Richard Ross ‘aw - music awards, they are the 1966 son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Sterling. Scholar Awards | nom; | Stowell, 92 W. Center, Hyde derson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Park. Clifford R. Anderson, 10415 S. inees in Music. The program 700 East, Sandy. designed to honor outstanding Viewmont — JoanneA arten: high school seniors, is spon- daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John ‘Murray -— Robert Allen bent _ sored by the Deseret News , KSL ‘|D. Parrish, 686 N. 400 East, ty Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. RobRadio and KSL-TV. | Centerville. jert A. Benny, 5427 as Dr., Here are the latest candi | Murray. Weber — Edwin Aldous Bing- | Gates: _ NORTHERN REGION | - |ham, son of Mr, and Mrs. Olympus a Scott J ackson Wayne A. Bingham, Rt. 3 Box Stanger, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Ben Lomond — Carol. Eliza132, Ogden. ae M. Stanger, 2411 — Lane beth Johnson, daughter of Mr. (5450 South). and Mrs. Glenn Johnson, 585 CENTRAL REGION: Fremont Road, Ogden. © . Skyline — J idee Call, eagle Bingham — Cleon Gene Rose, Bountiful ohn Wangidlt son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert ter of Mr. and Mrs, Max Ellis. Call, 2839 Maurice Dr. oe : ‘Hanks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ‘Gene Rose, 8660 S. 1852. West, ‘| South), _ liam Dennis Hanks, 797 ee 400 — all ordan. ‘ North, Bountiful. South — Glen Beriathih Mil. ~ Cyprus — Olin Everett Cumi Box “der — Mithasl Jon mings, son of Mrs, Edith Cum- ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer, G. Miller, 271 Coatsvil Hoopes, ‘son of Mr. and Mrs. J. mings, 4945 §. 4940 West, (1790 South), at | Wayne Hoopes, RFD 2,|Kearns. _ Already winners “ Brisham Citv. of several) ao Ae ee |