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Show Lad of Year Lassie of Year ATHLETICS, ACADEMICS Scots Ha nd Honors To Top Performers Ben Lomond High School’s lad of Utah — Dale Blair, Reona and lassie.of the year are Ron Washington and Lana ThompBrown and Linda Fishburn. son, all honors at entrance; Ron has been active in ath-'Weber letics all three years of high school. This year he was one of the football captains. He also served as president of dance clan. CLASS SECRETARY Linda was junior class secretary. Last summer she represented B.L. at Girl’s State. She is presently serving as student body vice president. She is a member of the pep club. At the awards assembly the following awards were present: ed: outstanding scholar, Jon - Moore; — Bonnie Neilson, Bar- bara Dewey, Karen Mack, Marsha Taylor, Boyd Southwick, Cheryl Sommerville, Scott Critchelow, Gary Dana, Gay Detton, Alta Fowers, Foster Hendrix, Georgia Hyer, Karen Jones, Jeannie Langliers, Sheryl Lyons, Glen Moyes; track—Ron Zefferrer, Scott Maw; football— Bob Gillespie, Curt Carter, and Brad Palmer. The new pep club officers are: Marsha Haacke, president; Janice Patterson, vice _presi- dent; Lana Iverson, secretary; athlete of the year, Bob Sherry Blackly, historian; Gillespie; best in business, Bon- Jackie Downs, publicity mananie Neilson; basketball playmak- ger: -Vickie Hoffenbeck, drill er of the year, Kevin Massey; mistress and Debbie Miller, cobest in home living, Gay Detton; drill mistress. Next year’s squad best in sewing, Bev Rosell; best leaders are: Barbara Putnam, hopscotch player, senior Bob Shaunna Beckstead, Tina Sanchez, Jeannette Kelly, and SuNeilson. Cheryl Tams, Industrial arts superior: Ed san Atkinson. Tune, Larry Smiley, Ayan Bry- Nancy Brockmier, Sandy Bea-ner, Larry Sodendeck, Jo Hen- craft, Patty Mcllrath were chosen as flag twirlers with Linderson. The seniors won the spirit da Mura as captain. Next year’s seminary officers| trophy, and the juniors won the are, president, Roger Brown; -award for the best assembly. The following seniors receivedqi; Vice president, Bruce Wade) scholastic awards from the Jun- secretary, historian, Connie ior Chamber of Commerce: for Wimmer; senior representative, straight A’s through high school Brad Barker, and junior repre—Jon Moore. Marla Brethouwer, sentative, Morrell Teeples. Monday, Tuesday and WedMarshall Campbell, Gay Detton, Alta Fowers, Julia Powell, Mau- nesday final testing will take : reen Snyder, and Cheryl Som-!P lace. The “Thistle,” Ben Lomond’s merville garnered straight A’s literary magazine, comes out on during their senior year. Monday. — SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS —By Carol Turley The seniors who received scholarships include: NROTC— Dale Blair; BPOE — nursing— Evelyn Williams; national achievement — Reona Washington; Brigham Young. University —Mark Wangsgard; Utah State University — Roietta Goodwin -and Robin Anderson; University |