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Show April 15, 1966 rat eer i ge Scots Score _ Track Victory Scott Maw, with firsts in the Weber, 95-2. |For 2nd Win” 4 Lomond High to a 97-35 victory over Logan Thursday in a two- The Ben. Lomond Scots. exploded with 19 hits. off Weber shot put and discus, led Ben ‘WAY trad flaw ld. field meet on Ss. toss in the discus was 168 ft.,11 in., only a foot a) 2 half off the state record, “the results: igh hurdles = va (BL), Smith (L), ; Watts (L mer 7 yer eater Shel rice ot gh hi ee dash carter Park ae er oe eA (BL), Dias ies eeeee i (BL), Walker (BL), Olson (L), Nanney, nn hurdles tt Gillespie. (BL), , Marti ines Burke Renee a E ae aoe (L), House (BL), Gil ate ‘BU; 206 Ft.) 6tim, hy aa (BL), Boinale (BL), ki L); it 0. (bs Dias (BL), Rudberg iscu erts (BL); 168 ft, — ‘April 17, 1966 i ie tj me High pitching, to blast the War- riors 25-2 in a Region One battle Monday on the Scottie home diamond. Ben Lomond. scored: 13 big runs in the second inning, added two in the third, , then’ poured across 10 more Be in the fourth. Pitcher Ke in Mass Weber (BL), RobBU, ‘Burke ered a three-run homer and had three hits for the day. Doug Kump connected for a grand|slam home. run in the ig -second inning for. Ben Lomond. Judd King and ard ar River Ith 4-Hitter | Lomond Scots openir Region One baseball gn Wednesday by dropar River 6-3 on the tight 3 of Kevin Massey.. scattered. four» es _out 10 os ml | cies omond (Gorter A oo illis aed three hits apie to inners attack, Rick Favero had also wo of the the four: Weber: hits in luding a : ome run. Ben ve is now }2-0 in league play. y _. Linescore: A: rela Day, Dias, limited to four r hits a Bb) 2 Ge GilGillespie (BL), Phipps (BL), , T t i “Joven WWels. (L), BL ff. in a S ore Blast. Weber 100 100meng BL... 0(13) 2 (10) 00 Couser, Ackerman, — By |