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Show Cctopver ¢, 1965 cots Down Tigers, Gain lossession of Iron H orse_ By ENSIGN RITCHIE WAS ALL OGDEN. BOOTED THREE- POINTER toe. got the ; But after the Scots picked up Doug Kump’s their 22nd point, it was all OgScots into the scoring segs gojearly in the second quarter. The den. _ chugging into Ben Lomond High/145-pound tailback booted a 33-| Norseth’s running spearheadSchool Monday, N ' School yard1 field goal after a Ben Lo- ‘ed a 73-yard touchdown march The miniature engine, “known'mond drive bogged down.. The as the Tigers moved from their as the “Iron Horse,’ will be-'Scots had moved from their own own 27. Wingback Mike Beasley come Ben Lomond’s possession’35 to the Ogden 15 before the picked up the touchdown from five yards out and Dee Sessions for a year as the results of its Tiger line held. ' 92-14 football victory over Og-, Two. straight penalties. and a booted the extra point to make _ den High Wednesday night. six-yard loss on a running play it 22-7. — In Ogden’ s second drive, _ The horse will_be in unfamil- put the Tigers in the sock on _ jar surroundings,» Since it hasn’t'their own four-yard. stripe min- which covered 65 yards, Fronk _showcase utes imbied thisnd Mi — ce took to the air. Hitting Jerry been vin ‘the | Yeaman and Norseth the Tigers since 1958. In the rear? dat- ers fum went to the Ben Lomond 15 in jing back to 1953, Ben Lomond made the four plays. At this point Fronk |had won only two grid games. mond ‘tossed a screen pass to Norseth. ext i Wednesday—in 1953 and. On t After gaining control Norseth ‘blasted ‘offfied or AIS 1957 fue but Ray Miller, with | As important as the traveling -of three touchdowns a full head of steam, picked it ! trophy to the Scots is their Re-, for the extra point was bloc ai on the first bounce and an ‘and i ‘Scots took a 9-0 me gion One position as the result egion leaders got another scampered over for the ‘score, of the victory. Their 5-0 record’ brea just before the half ended |now gives them a game and a jhalf spread over second place. when they. recovered another | Box Elder and a full two-game ‘Ogden fumble: 27 yards away from pay dirt. With time jlead over Ogdén and Roy. |. The Scots can, pretty well ning out Kump tried ‘another |wrap i it up next Thursday when three-pointer, but’ the kick was far wide of the uprights.~ i they face the Bees- here in OgPENALTY HELPED. den. Early in the second half the ~ A - $tandard-Examiner Sports Editor little locomotive will Ben Lomond had things pretty} soois, "with the a 15 its own way. for. three yard: penalty, : wenthelp66 of yards in |much | quarters Wednesday, . coasting three plays: ito @ 22-0 lead. But in the final After Carter went from- his | period it had to fight off a Tiger| own 34 to the 39, a penalty put the pigskin on the Ogden 46. A surge that picked up two touch- Noel pass to Scott Maw mioved powiites to the 22 before Carter got off ~ Until the final quarter, Ogden his first run of the night. The ispeedy tailback swept his left |was able to generate little in the way of an offense. But with! ‘end, shook two tacklers and ‘bolted into the end zone. to make Ipeot Fronk passing and Craig ithe score 15-0. ~ orseth powering off his own | Midway through the. same ‘Tight tackle, the Tigers’ moved| ‘period Ben Lomond took anoth‘the ball well in the late stages.| ‘er punt on its*own 41 and this) The crowd of more than 7,000 time went the distance in five! fans at City Stadium saw a ‘de- plays. Carter went the final 27. fensive struggle during the first! yards off tackle without being| quarter as neither club was able| touched by an Ogden defender. | to put together a drive. |