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Show May 14, 1966 tate Track, ey 7 eee eee | a She An outstanding field of Utah Ogden’s ace junior sprinter;capable of topping the state wep cinder stars will take an Howard Noel clipped off the 100aes oo q net ve Hanis | out assault at the record et ia i i, «ni, In the ; ‘Hi in the annual yard dash in 98 fn Mie region'Brent State Track and Field Meet at meet and should he duplicate Craig book Saturday 3 34 an” eet Goes Sat | - Utah University. _ Several records are expected ‘to crumble under the attack of _ some of the finest Utah Prep _ track stars seen in a decade. | Trials for both “A” and “B” schools will commence at 10 a.m) with finals set for a 2:30 West and ‘Sky View’s | Harrison look like the | this in the state finals, he’ll| strongest entries with give South High star Anthony ;Chufar of Hillcrest loomingJohn as Edna all he wants in the sprints.|an outside ene Another Ogden ace, Bill Mun-| In overallthreat. team _strength, son could finish high among the | South High of Salt Lake with its shot putters. Munson hasiswift sprinters and race-horse thrown the iron ball around 54/relay teams looks like a. strong feet, but he might have to out; entry and will be favo: . South m. start. There are two ex- do this effort in order to top will receive a challenge from _ ceptions—The “A” pole vault Viewmont’s Rich . Fadel _and_/last gears defending champion and high jump finals are sched- Orem’s Mike Bailey, Highland and from a_ talented -uled for 10 a.m., and the “B” pen i should ra a| Skyline team. ce : _ pole vault and high jump finals record - busting performance RIES are set for 1:30 p.m. from discus star Maw. oo . Scoring for the meet will be The big 215-pound Scott foothall ace| Nort | On a 8, 5, 3, 2 and 1 point basis, has thrown the platter over 173 cance _ with five place dountiny in all feet, bettering the region - events, including relays. PL . a STATE QUALIFIERS | To have qualified for the fi- jState 4 ees ees ENTRIES . t Ma bes | e pone . I the at F and|Ples seems to | d gden, ae | record of 170 feet-414|@nd Ben Lomon inches set by Bear River’s all- ; Ogden is strong in the sprints and has good depth. “The mile event. shouldbe _a| en Lomond hasoverall several top in| _.hals, contestants must have fingreat_one with Ben Lomond’s| ‘viduals . including’. Zefferer, __Ished one, two or three in any Ron Zefferer battling Highland’s|Maw. Bob Gillespie an _ Tegional event, or finished first Scott Bringhurst and Box E -|Could.upsand et. predictions if they | a relay event. | “Region One der’s Mark Bingham for hon-|'eceive good performances from will be sending °°" Roy’s self Stonebraker aa young sophomores “a flock of outsta and nding stars to “this year’s meet. Tops among this could event. De A HDSe ME) 0 Roy, of course, has the great | these is Roy’s Jim Maw, a rec. i Jim Maw and if he flashes to ‘ ord-buster in the hurdle events|. victory in both hurdle events _ and broad jump. Maw has been| The. TWO FAVORED pole vault should be aland the broad jump, the Royals | clocked in 18.9 in the low hur-/one-two dual between High-/have24 points on the board, dies and .14 flat in the highs—|land’s Mike Neeley and -jand | nd should they manage a vic- | both of these times cracked|line’s Dave Finch. Both have! tory or two in other events, - both the Region One and state! cleared 13 feet and both are they could go all the way. records. Maw has jumped close to 23 feet and will have a shot Of Neil Robert’s mar Pol 23 feet 6%4 inches set in 1963. . . Ogden’s Brent Stringham and| “aes 7 _ Bonneville’s Clyde Baker both = ec have a good chance of setting a new state high jump record. Stringham leaped 6 feet 6%4 | jinches and Baker six foot-6/ inches in the recent Region One meet, and these efforts both {broke the state mark of six foot-5% inch. Stringham is a junior and Baker is a sopho' |More, and who knows, the seven-foot mark could be within their range. ae | | |