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Show 307 BTNY 3403. Environment Appreciation (3) Su, F, S Development of awareness of the consequences of the impact of modern sdence through technology upon our environments and how we respond to issues related to threats of our biological life- support system. A definition of a quality environment is developed, with student input, and an analysis of the existing quality of our environment is made in light of this definition which challenges our collective wisdom to identify those things which we do wdl and to prescribe remedies for shortcomings. Three hours of lecture per week. An in-depth research paper on an environmental issue and an in-class ledure are required. Prerequisite: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2104 or BTNY SI2114. Cannot be repeated for lower division credit (BTNY LSI 403). BTNY 3454. Plant Ecology (4) F Nature and development of plant communities and their relations to the environmental factors controlling them. Three hours of lecture and one 3-hour lab per week. Prerequisites: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2114, and MATH QL1050orQL1080. BTNY 3473. Plant Geography (3) S A study of global and regional distributions of major plant groups and communities as affected by past and present dimates, biological, ecological and geomorphic factors. Three lectures per week. Prerequisite: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered) or BTNY SI2114. BTNY 3504. Mycology (4) F (odd numbered years) Structure, taxonomy, biology, and physiology of the fungi. Two hours of lecture and two 2-hour labs per week. Prerequisites: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2104 and BTNY SI2114, or MCR LS/SI2054. BTNY 3514. Algology (4) F (even numbered years) A study of the biology of algae, their morphology, cytology, development, taxonomy, ecology, economic and experimental uses. Two hours of lecture and two 2-hour labs per week. Prerequisites: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2104 and BTNY SI2114, or MCR LS/SI2054, or ZOOL 4480. BTNY 3523. Marine Biology (3) S A study of marine biology and ecology, relating to the plant and animal populations of the sea to their various habitats, including the pelagic environment, the sea bottom, sea shores, and estuaries. Two hours of lecture and one 2-hour lab per week. Prerequisites: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2114, or ZOOL SI1110, or MCR LS/SI2054, or GEO SI3010. BTNY 35 70. Foundations of Science Education (3) A thorough investigation of research in science learning and curricular standards at the state and national levels. Foundations of the philosophy of science and scientific inquiry as applicable to sdence teaching at the secondary level. This course serves as a foundation to a preservice science teacher's education coursework. BTNY 3624. Taxonomy of Vascular Plants (4) S A study of the basic prindples and concepts of vascular plant systematics with emphasis on the identification and dassification of flowering plants. Two hours of lecture and two 2-hour labs per week. Prerequisite: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2114. BTNY 3641A. Intermountain Flora - Woody Plants (1) F (odd numbered years) A taxonomic study of plants that are of major importance to the management of wildland resources. Students will learn to identify 60-70 taxa of indigenous trees and shrubs. Considers federal laws for the regulation of rare and endangered spedes and habitat designation. Can be repeated for a maximum of 4 hours. Two hours of ledure/lab per week. Prerequisite: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2114. BTNY 3641B. Intermountain Flora - Montane Forbs (1) 5 (even numbered years) A taxonomic study of plants that are of major importance to the management of wildland resources. Students will learn to identify 60-70 taxa of herbaceous flowering plants. Considers federal laws for the regulation of rare and endangered spedes and habitat designation. Can be repeated for a maximum of 4 hours. Two hours of ledure/lab per week. Prerequisite: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2114. BTNY 3641C. Intermountain Flora - Wetland Plants (1) F (even numbered years) A taxonomic study of plants that are of major importance to the management of wildland resources. Students will learn to identify 60-70 taxa of riparian and marsh plants. Considers federal laws for the regulation of rare and endangered species and habitat designation. Can be repeated for a maximum of 4 hours. Two hours of lecture/lab per week. Prerequisite: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2114. BTNY 3641D. Intermountain Flora - Grasses (1) S (odd numbered years) A taxonomic study of plants that are of major importance to the management of wildland resources. Students will learn to identify 60-70 taxa of indigenous and introduced grasses. Considers federal laws for the regulation of rare and endangered spedes and habitat designation. Can be repeated for a maximum of 4 hours. Two hours of ledure/lab per week. Prerequisite: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2114. BTNY 4113. Plant Evolution (3) F An exploration of fundamentals and issues of evolution through natural selection as it relates to plants including reproduction strategies, co-evolution, evolution of ecosystems, biochemical evolution and genomic evolution. Prerequisites: BTNY SI2104, BTNY SI2114, BTNY 3105, and BTNY 3303 or ZOOL 3300. BTNY 4252. Cell Culture (2) F (cross-listed with Microbiology) Basic methods and applications for culturing plant and animal cells in vitro. Two 2-hour combined lecture and laboratory sessions per week. Prerequisite: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2104, or MCR LS/SI2054. BTNY 45 70. Secondary School Science Teaching Methods (3) Acquaintance and practice with various teaching and assessment methods. Development of sdence curricula including lesson and unit plans. It is recommended that this course be completed immediatdy bdore student teaching. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. BTNY 4750. Topics in Botany (1-5) An intensive exploration of selected issues in the discipline. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. Prerequisites: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2104 and BTNY SI2114, and any specified courses sdeded by the instructor. BTNY 4800. Individual Research (2) F, S Course may be repeated. Prerequisites: BTNY LS/SI1105 (if previously taken - no longer offered), or BTNY SI2104 and BTNY SI2114 and BTNY 2121, two upper division Botany courses, and approval of instructor. General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREEREQ GENED Interdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science 8 Technology AUSV/ATTC CEET CS MFET/ETM MET CMT DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts 8 Humanities MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business 8 Econ MBA MACC/ACTG BSAD FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MSAT MED CHF ATHL/AT HLTH/NUTR PE/PEP/REC EDUC Heafth Professions MHA MSN CLS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS ZOOL Social S Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS/PHIL PSY SW/GERT SOC/ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2008 - 2009 Catalog |