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Show ee November ; week, Ben Lo es “And They Came F e." fis,” the title of the simas Open House. | » occasion is spon-| the ome economics ; DISPLAYS hin ng department wil estions of gifts for) e and friends. nas ‘goodies ranas to candy and ee festive Christmas. is’ food department, ¢ ‘ senior boys with a learn to cook, has wd to the event.| i M how off” their acs with a variety of | and candies. = nie mn officers presi-| Langliers; vice dene Johnson; are sec- headed| © ' STUFFED. ANIMAL Ben Lomond Jeanne Mn TTEES HELP pee | and High Langeliers that oe Tae Teena Decaria School and homemaking preparing for open house next week. . Evening other| Williams, reception — chairman; Evelyn . any chia. and hadi by edie in the classes is admired by Greg Trappett, (left to right), among Dance ‘Clan meets f Wednesday Susan/ at 7 p.m ude: Foods — Ju-| Knight, co-chairman; Mrs. Ma-| Thursday is the day for the| mon, Chairman,| pe ‘Checketts and Mrs. Cath-| state rifle match and the sem- e Carr and Miss Mad- -eryn Van Meter, advisors. Car- inary temple trip, to Salt Lake} Wagoner, advisors.| _oling — Linda Gunnell, chaif-| City. ) «Greg «Trapett,| -man; Ronald Archibald, advi- | The Brodie Clan class party steve Ambrose, co- sor. Decorations — Mary Ann| is Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. chairman. Publicity — _ School dress for boys and . — Kara Johnson, Schaub, er school dress for girls. Becky Griffin, chairman; Sally| sae Marty Barnes and) 'Behling and Celia. Hassel. Dance music will be provided ~ Her, co-chairmen;| ' by the “Sticks and Stones” then CONFERENCE PLANNED $e Grossenbach and ga mes will be played for prizes. y avae Sycamore, ad- , Tuesday from 2 to $ p.m. a| he cost is 35¢ and refreshe ae Gay Det-| career conference on Law En- ments will be served. h; Vickie Potter, forcement, the FBI and crimThe Ruskins presented their Invitations—Nedra inology has ben planned by the / assembly, ‘Shut Up Lois,” last man; Onita Skor- counseling center. week, It had excellent talent and Mrs. Claire D. The speaker will be Capt. delighted the student ene (By' | Roberts Carver of the Ogden Carol Turley)_ City Police Department. All interested register Monday with the counseling center. ae: many students | | |