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Show 5 egi ion Cage Teams Slai e Battles for Tourney Berths Six Clubs Set Sights on \PORTS LO ‘Standard: Examiner, Tuesday, March Bid for Class ‘A! Classic Region One stages its playoffs Region Four — (Wednesday) Thursday and Friday as six Springville at Provo, Spanish 1, 1966 clubs. battle for two remaining Fork at Payson, Lehi at Amerberths in next week’s State Class ican Fork, Carbon at Pleasant Grove, Orem at B.Y. High. A Basketball Tournament. Thursday at 4 p.m., Ben LoSUMMIT DIVISION mond meeis Logan in Utah Region Five (Summit. DiviState University Fieldhouse. The winner of that contest takes sion)—South Rich at Park City, on Box Elder Friday at 8 p.m. South Summit at Wasatch, Morgan at North Summit, North on the same court. In action at Bonneville High Rich, bye. School, Weber goes against Bear Region Five (Jordan DiviRiver Thursday at 8 p.m. and sion)—St. Joseph at Dugway, that winner tangles with Roy Grantsville at St. Mark’s, St. Francis at Tintic, Utah School Friday, also at 8 p.m. Friday’s two winners will for the Deaf, bye. Region Six—Grand -at Montiqualify, along with Sky View and Ogden, for tournament play cello, San Juan at Notre Dame, Green River at East Carbon. from Region One. Region ae (Northern DiviIn Region Two, league games will be played this evening so sion) — Milford at Parowan, playoffs can be- staged later in Beaver at Millard, Delta, bye. - Region Eight (Southern Divithe week. sion) — Enterprise at Kanab, TWO BIG GAMES ee City at Dixie, Hurricane, | At 5:15 this evening, Clear- ye Standings: ‘field hosts Bountiful, while REGION ONE ‘Viewmont is at Davis tonight in (final) an 8 p.m. game. WwW L Pct. bee tee ae 1 0 1.000 _’ Should Bountiful and Davis re- Shy viewis sleet Seen ees 8 4 .667 ‘main tied for third in Division Box. ‘Elder NSIS 6 5 545 5 .545 One after tonight, the two clubs Bear River ............ 6 O08 53k ee ee 6 5 545 will play off Wednesday evening Roy sec car's vagesd: aoesteeeces 5 7 417 4 8 .333 ‘at Viewmont gym. But should Webets=. jis uae Ben Lomond .......... 4 8 .333 ‘the tie be broken, the No. 3 Bonneville ...:....... 2 10 . 167 team from the division will go REGION TWO right into the Region Two play(Division One) Ww L Pct. off. Viewmont, South and West Clearfield ............ 7 2 .778 will be the other three teams vere St Calg Cee 3 6 .333 in the playoff. DAVIS Seas os eee 1 8 11 Clearfield and Highland, lead- ers in their respective divisions, have already qualified for the tournament. Other teams that have already clinched tournament berths are Olympus, Jordan, American Fork, Sprin B.Y. ville. High, Provo and Bountiful: s<cacrae cee 1 8 5 W Highland ............. WSR BAe kv unten SOUTH: Sites elie sae Basi wae go ee L 9 7 5 3 0 2 4 6 gan. L 0 Granger ......:....005 CYDIUS ccd due, Saar CAN CLINCH TITLE 5 5 7 .400 083 teal DIVISION TWO WL Morgan can clinch the Sum- Hillcrest ei ee ee 6 ir Ceeaee Be mit Division title in Region Five sordan™ MUTIRY avrag aero with a victory, while a loss Murray © i.cc eck cscs "5 action around the Ore. 01 io ia a ez77 & 4 5 6 8 555 556 444 .333 WT Dear: Tun 2 666 eS CR RS eee en ek 3 9 state this week is: Pleasant. Grove or cre ees 3: Or Region Two — (today) ViewDIVISION TWO mont at Davis, Bountiful at W L Clearfield, South at East, High- PIOVO: ios aude coe 2 Springville ..........::10 2 land at West. Spanish Fork ......... 6 6 Region Three (Division One) Carbon Sirs ieee 4 8 —(tonight)—Granger at Olym- Paysbin’ cs sascuc ee 0 12 pus, Granite at Skyline, Cyprus, REGION FIVE (Summit Division) bye Mesa 1G Revit Three (Division Two) Morgan. oui 0.00 Oe oT 2 —Hillerest at Jordan, Tooele North Summit ........ 9 — <i .isiss eee, 8 3 at Bingham, Murray at Judge Wasatch. South} Righ® cas) 3 ens 6 5 South Summit ........ 3 8 Memorial. afk City: Vater North Rich Sa Sis ees ; Bet. ey kaa es 4 would throw the two clubs into Tooele? ’ udge Memorial ........ 3 a tie Bingham ............. 1 St. “Joseph, with second place REGION FOUR ivi-|. nailed down in the Jordan (Division One) ow L ‘sion of Region Five, travels to American Fork ........ 12 0 ‘Dugway Friday. Meg MiO li tig i bai Tis t5ic - League Pct. 1.000 .778 556 .333 REGION THREE (Division One) ‘ This. week’s big ClassB game|2l"" Pieces ‘lle! ‘Will take — ‘at Coalvill where North Sgmiais faces Mor- 11 REGION TWO (Division Two) 2G WW REGION FIVE (Jordan Davision) Ww tS 'Grantsvill@ ......00- if 0 St. José@pn:. sian vats 8 3 Dugway ©: v.aee es ueun 6 64.4 Tinti€ 253 in enoee 5 6 St. Franci§. casesoa 4 6 St. Mark’S: x23 scat 3 Be School for Deaf ........ 0 71 Pct. 1.000 583 454 .250 1250 Pct. .833 .833 .500 .333 .000 Pct. .909 .818 .750 548 .273 . 182 .083 Pet: 1.000 aL .600 .455° .400 +300 .000 |