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Show MBA 6520. International Business Field Studies (3) This course integrates international travd and site visits with the study of international business topics. Through readings, assignments, discussions, and visits to important business and cultural sites in the destination countries, the course builds understanding and competence in international business practices and managing across cultures. This course entails travel expenses beyond regular tuition and may be repeated when offered to a different world region. MBA 6530. E-Business (3) The Internet has become an important influence in the world. Business on the internet, in terms of operations, marketing, security, etc., has increased concomitantly in influence. This course will provide a foundation for understanding the possibilities and potential pitfalls for doing e-business. Recommended: MBA 6140 Marketing Strategy and MBA 6150 Logistics/Operations Management. MBA 6540. Negotiations (3) The purpose of this course is to provide opportunities for class par- tidpants to develop their negotiating abilities for use in organizational and other settings. The course is premised on the assumption that negotiating concepts are best learned through pradice which is grounded in rigorous analysis and reflection. While theoretical principles and concepts from various reference disciplines (such as social psychology, sociology, and economics) will be presented through lectures and readings, this course will focus primarily on improving pradical skills. Class participants will not only leam to enhance their individual abilities in dyadic and group situations, but also to analyze contexts for the most effective application of these skills. MBA 6550. Managing and Improving Quality (3) This course examines how organizations can gain competitive advantage by improving the quality and produdivity of their business processes, manufadured goods and service outputs. Customer- focused approaches for designing, controlling and improving processes are emphasized, together with other concepts and approaches of quality management. Spedfic topics include process analysis, problem-solving methods, variability and statistical process control, performance measurement, and quality management systems. Guest lectures from industry professionals, experiential learning exerdses and cases from manufacturing and service industries will assist students in understanding key issues and current topics. Additional foundation course work in statistics may be required prior to course registration as per department advisement and student's program of study requirements. MBA 6560. Business/Market Planning Using Online Resources (3) In this hands-on projed-oriented course, students leam to (1) develop and write effective business/marketing plans and (2) use online resources to gather pertinent market, competitor, and environmental information. Students may develop a business/ marketing plan for an existing business or for a potential start-up of interest to them. Alternatively, they may write a business/marketing plan and condud requisite research and data analyses for a business suggested by the course instructor. Learning is facilitated primarily via practical discovery exerdses, an extensive term project, and coaching. Although lectures and reading assignments serve to convey essential background knowledge, especially during the first half of the course, much dass time is devoted to working on plans in teams under the instructor's guidance. MBA 6570. Business Strategies for Environmental Sustainability (3) This course explores how business organizations can address environmental issues to meet sodetal needs and create competitive advantages. Emphasis is placed on understanding the environmental 183 and sodal responsibility roles of the functional areas of business and identifying the opportunities for businesses to align their strategies and practices toward more sustainable business models. Through a combination of readings, case studies, site visits, and other learning resources, students will become prepared to use a variety of conceptual approaches and environmental management methods and tools for improving the environmental performance of individual business organizations and the business system as a whole. MBA 6580. Project Management (3) This course is a study of topics involved with managing projects. It examines the roles and skills of the projed manager and the project office. Students will study the phases of the projed life cycle, specifically the activities, requirements, methodologies, and tools common in project management. MBA 6590. Strategic Business Tax Planning (3) This course examines tax strategy and planning topics related to making important business decisions. The course addresses business formations, operations, terminations, reorganizations, acquisitions, and divisions. The course also covers tax issues related to multi-state and multi-national business transactions. Unique issues related to executive compensation, partnerships, limited liability companies, S corporations and C corporations are also addressed. Prerequisites: MBA 6010 or equivalent course in business law; MBA 6020 or equivalent courses in accounting. MBA 6630. Networking & Information Systems (3) F This course covers the role of networking technology in inf ormation systems. Through hands-on and conceptual knowledge, students will leam how data communications and networks are used to facilitate decentralized and distributed systems in support of dedsion making. Various aspects of networking including standards, media, network design and applications will be covered. Students will gain hands-on familiarity with a local area network and the Internet. Prerequisite: Admittance to MACC, MBA or MHA program. MBA 6640. Information Assurance in the Enterprise (3) 5 This course covers the basic principles and concepts in information assurance. It examines the managerial, operational, and organizational issues of securing information systems. Topics indude legal and ethical issues in computer security; privacy concerns; malware; security awareness at the executive, technical and user levels; physical security, personnel security issues; polides and procedures; the need for enterprise security awareness; and the need for an enterprise security organization. Case studies and exercises in the computer lab will be used to provide examples of the need for organizations to devdop security procedures and policies. Prerequisite: Admittance to MACC, MBA or MHA program. MBA 6680. Graduate Consulting Project (3) F, S Graduate students are given the opportunity to consult with an existing organization, make recommendations for improvements, and assist in implementing changes in the organization. Students meet periodically with supervising faculty to review results. Prerequisite: Instructor approval. MBA 6800. Directed Study (1-3) Direded individual study and research on special topics related to business. May be repeated for a cumulative total of three credits. Prerequisite: Written approval of MBA program and instmdor. General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Interdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science 8 Technology AUSV/ATTC CEET CS MFET/ETM MET CMT DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts 8 Humanities MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business SEcon MBA MACC/ACTG BSAD FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MSAT MED CHF ATHL/AT HLTH/NUTR PE/PEP/REC EDUC Heaifh Professions MHA MSN CLS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS ZOOL Social S Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS/PHIL PSY SW/GERT SOC/ANTH MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2008 - 2009 Catalog |