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Show 339 General ZOOL 4100. Vertebrate Embryology (4) A study of the principles and processes of embryological development in animals. Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisites: ZOOL SI1110 and SI 1120, or approval of instructor. ZOOL 4120. Histology (4) Mcroanatomical study of the structure and function of vertebrate tissues and organs, with an emphasis on human systems. Prerequisites: ZOOL SI1110, SI1120, either 2100 or 4050, or approval of instructor. ZOOL 4210. Advanced Human Physiology (4) A study of vertebrate physiological processes with human emphasis, focusing on cardiovascular, digestive, and neuromuscular systems. Three ledure hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisites: ZOOL 1110, ZOOL SI1120, and ZOOL 2200, or approval of instmdor; a minimum of one year of (preferably Organic) Chemistry. ZOOL 4220. Endocrinology (4) The comparative study of the fundion of the cells, tissues, glands, and organs that secrete hormones and how these hormones affed the physiology of organisms, from invertebrates to vertebrates. Three ledure hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisites: ZOOL Sill 10 and Sill 120, and either ZOOL 2200 or 4060, or approval of instructor. ZOOL 4250. Radiation Biology (4) The study of harmful effects of radiation and practical applications of radioactive tracer techniques to biological problems. Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisites: ZOOL Sill 10, SI 1120, and beginning courses in chemistry and physics, or approval of instmdor. ZOOL 4300. Molecular Genetics (4) A laboratory-based investigation of the molecular properties of the genetic material, including its strudure, expression and evolution. Emphasis on applications and the genetics of humans. Three ledure/ lab hours and one 3-hour lab per week. Prerequisites: ZOOL 3300, CHEM PS/SI1210 and CHEM SI1220, or approval of instmdor. ZOOL 4350. Animal Behavior (4) Prindples and concepts of animal behavior emphasizing evolution of behavior, and the role of behavior in adaptations of animals to thdr environment. Three ledure hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisites: ZOOL SI1110 and SI 1120, or approval of instructor. ZOOL 4470. Wildlife Ecology and Management (4) Prindples of wildlife ecology and the techniques of wildlife population analysis and manipulation. Three ledure hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisites: ZOOL SI1110, SI1120, and 3450, or approval of instructor. Writing intensive course. ZOOL 4480. Aquatic Ecology (4) Study of the physical, chemical, and biological interactions of freshwater and marine ecosystems. Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisites: ZOOL SI1110, SI1120, and ZOOL 3450, or approval of instmdor. Writing intensive course. ZOOL 4490. Tropical Marine Ecology (4) Study of the physical, chemical and biological interadions of tropical marine ecosystems, induding open oceans, mangrove forests, seagrass beds, and coral reefs. Intensive, three-week, full-time field course taught in the tropics. Independent projects required. Must be able to snorkd or SCUBA dive. Prerequisites: ZOOL 1110,1120, and 3450, or approval of instructor. ZOOL 4500. Parasitology (4) Survey of representative external and internal parasites of humans, domestic animals, and wildlife. Emphasis is on thdr ecology and epidemiology. Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisites: ZOOL SI1110 and SI 1120, or approval of instmdor. ZOOL 4570. Secondary School Science Teaching Methods (3) Acquaintance and pradice with various teaching and assessment methods. Devdopment of sdence curricula including lesson and unit plans. It is recommended that this course be completed immediately before student teaching. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. ZOOL 4600. Protozoology (4) Strudure, function and evolutionary relationships of unicellular organisms. Three ledure hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisite: ZOOL SI1110 and SI 1120, or approval of instructor. ZOOL 4640. Entomology (4) Classification and biology of insects as well as their economic importance. Three ledure hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisite: ZOOL SI1110 and SI 1120, or approval of instructor. ZOOL 4650. Ichthyology (4) Classification, ecology and biology of fishes and emphasis on local freshwater forms. Field trips required. Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisites: ZOOL SI1110 and SI 1120, or approval of instmdor. ZOOL 4660. Herpetology (4) Strudure, function and evolutionary relationships of amphibians and reptiles. Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisite: ZOOL Sill 10 and SI 1120, or approval of instmdor. ZOOL 4670. Ornithology (4) The biology of birds including form, fundion, behavior and ecology. Lab emphasizes identification of Utah species. Three ledure hours and one 3-hour lab or a field trip each week. Prerequisite: ZOOL SI1110 and ZOOL SI1120, or approval of instrudor. ZOOL 4680. Mammalogy (4) An introdudion to the mammals with spedal reference to species found in Utah. Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisite: ZOOL SI1110 and SI 1120, or approval of instmdor. ZOOL 4800. Problems in Zoology (1-4)* Directed individual research in zoology guided by faculty member. Prerequisites: ZOOL Sill 10 and SI 1120, and approval of instmdor* ZOOL 4830. Readings in Zoology (1-4)* Directed individual readings in the general area of zoology. Specific topic sdeded in consultation with faculty member. Prerequisites: ZOOL SI1110 and SI1120, and approval of instructor. ZOOL 4890. Cooperative Work Experience (1-4)* Academic credit for employment in career area related to zoology guided by specific written contract design by student, employer, and Zoology Department Chair. Open to all students; requires approval by Department Chair. *No more than 4 combined hours of ZOOL 4800, ZOOL 4830, or ZOOL 4890 may count toward the major. ZOOL 4900. Topics in Zoology (1-4) Variable topics related to zoology as announced in the class schedule; may include medical entomology, biostatistics, primatology, etc., and may be taught with a laboratory section. Prerequisites: ZOOL SI1110 and SI1120, or approval of instructor. _■ _■ PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREEREQ GENED Interdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science 8 Technology AUSV/ATTC CEET CS MFET/ETM MET CMT DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts 8 Humanities MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business 8 Econ MBA MACC/ACTG BSAD FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MSAT MED CHF ATHL/AT HLTH/NUTR PE/PEP/REC EDUC Heafth Professions MHA MSN CLS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS ZOOL- Social S Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS/PHIL PSY SW/GERT SOC/ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2008 - 2009 Catalog |