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Show 10 STREET AND AVENUE GUIDE. CROSS—e from 924 Wash av. CURTIS AV—on a line with W 27th, ½ blk w of Weber River. D AV—n and s from 640 W 25th. DAN—e from 283 Harrisville rd. DARLING—e from 2940 Madison av. DENVER AV—bet W 34th and 3 5th, 2 blks w of Weber River. DENVER AV—n from 7th, 1st w of St Joe av. DEPOT ALLEY—w from 24 5 5 Lincoln av. DOLLIVER AV—n from 1240 20th. DOUGLAS—e from 340 Wash av. DOUGLAS AV—n from 640 21st. DOXEY AV—e from 2746 Wall av. E AV—n and s from 700 W 25th. EAST—e from 1940 Polk av. EAST LYNN AD DIN—s s of 2d, 2 blks e of Wash av. ECCLES AV—s from 1039 25th. EIGHTEENTH—w from 1801 Wash av and e from 1800 Madison av. EIGHTH—e and w from 800 Wash av. ELDER—e from 1010 Jefferson av. ELECTRIC AV—w from 2459 Grant av. ELEVENTH—e and w from 1100 Wash av. ELLIOTT—e from 3640 Tyler av. ELLIS—on a line with W 26th, 2 blks w of Weber River. ELLSWORTH AV—s from 641 39th. ELM—e from 821 N Wash av. ELM—on a line with W 44th, 7 blks w of Weber River. ELSIE AV—e from 2640 Polk av. EMERSON AV—-S from 739 35th. ENDION AV—n from 1040 24th. EUCLID—on a line with W 28th, 2 blks w of Weber River. EUCLID AV—w from 800 N Wash av. EUCLID AV—n and s from 200 W 31st. EUCLID PLACE—e from 3140 Jackson av. FARLEY LANE—now Orchard av. FARR AV—now Liberty av. FARR'S ALLEY—now Liberty av. FIFTEENTH—e and w from 1500 Wash av. FIFTH—e and w from 500 Wash a.v. FIFTH AV—e from 3 340 Taylor av. FILLMORE AV—s from 1601 19th, 15th e or Wall av. FIRST—dividing line bet streets running north and south, 2½ miles n of 25th. FIRST AV—e from 2940 Tyler av. FISK AV—from 740 32d. FIVE POINTS—junction of Wash av, 2d and Harrisville rd. FLORENCE AV—n from 840 36th. FORTIETH—e and w from 4000 Wash av. FOURTEENTH—e and w from 1400 Wash av. FOURTH—e and w from 400 Wash av. FOURTH AV—e from 3240 Harrison av. FOWLER AV—s from 939 25th. FRANKLIN—w from 34 39 Wash av. GARFIELD AV—n from 1220 20th. GERALD AV—w from 610 N Wash av. GIBSON AV—n and s from 221 W 17th. GLASGOW ADDN—s from 17th to 19th bet Gibson and Pacific avs. GLEN—e from 821 N Wash av. GLEN WOOD ACRES—e from 16th bet Gra-mercy and Harrison avs. GLENWOOD AV—from 709 12th s 2 blks. GODDARD AV—w from 3263 Wash av. GRAHAM AV—s from W 39th, 3 blks w of Weber River. GRAMERCY AV—-s from 839 25th, n from 856 12th. GRAND—w from 2539 Harrison av. GRAND AY—n from 288 33d. GRANT AV—s from 301 3d to 5th, from 9th to 11th and from 14th to city limits 2d e of Wall av. HALL COURT—s from 255 26th. HARLEIGH AV—n and s from 1040 33d. HARRIS—w from 3545 Grant av. HARRISON AV—s from 1201 19th, 11th e of Wall av. HARRISVILLE—n of city limits, w of Wash av. HARRISVILLE RD—n w from 2d and Wash av. HARROP—e from 4 36 Wash av. HAYS AV—n from 1201 20th. HEALY AV—w from 3140 Grant av. HENNINGER AV—now Porter av. HERRICK AV—e from 2652 Wash av. IIERRICK COURT—n from 350 28th. HIGH SCHOOL PL—s of High School. HOOPER—10 miles s w of Ogden. HOUCK AV—Wash av addn. HOWARD—e from 201 N Wash av. HOWARD—bet W 27th and 28th, 2 blks w of Weber River. HUDSON AV—n and s from 340 25th. HUNTER COURT—s from 335 27th. INDIAN AV—see Endion av. INDIANA AV—s from W 27th, 4 blks w of Weber River. IOWA AV—s from 123 9 25th. JACKSON AV—s from 1001 19th and n from 1000 Canyon rd, 9th e of Wall av. JAMES COURT—w from 2731 Wall av. JEFFERSON AV—s from 600 1st to 2d and s from 601 20th, 5th e of Wall av. JOHNSON AV—n from 1340 20th. JUDGE AV—n from 440 7th. JULIA AV-—chang-ed to Ogden av. JUNCTION AV—w from 1 blk n of 500 W 25th. KANESVILLE—a farming district in West Weber. KANSAS AV—s from 600 W 25th. KERSHAW—e from 2840 Taylor av. KERSHAW AV—see Capitol av. KING AV—s from 128 W 29th. KINGSFORD AV—n from 640 24th. LAFAYETTE AV—S from 1039 26th. LAKE—w from 2539 Wash av. LA SALLE PL—S from 1039 30th. LA VETA PL—s from 1139 30th. LEADVILLE AV—on a linfe with W 34th, 2 blks w of Weber River. LIBERTY AV—n from 740 21st. LINCOLN AV—s from 201 2d, 1st e of Wall av. LOCUST—w from 241 Lincoln av. McINTOSH—e and w from 2540 Polk ay. M E AV—n from 450 24th. MABEL AV—s from Wilson la, n to O S L track, bet 23d and 24th. MADISON AV—s from 701 18th, 6th e of Wall av. MANITOU AV—on a line with W 36th, 2 blks w of Weber River. MAPLE—bet W 47th and 48th, 10 blks w of Weber River. MARRIOTT—w of city limits, bet 17th and Mill Creek. MARYLAND—e from 3140 Jefferson av. MAY AV—y2 blk- e of 115 N Wash av. MICHIGAN AV—s from W 25th, 3 blks w or Weber River. MIDDLEMISS—e from 2040 Taylor av. STREET AND AVENUE GUIDE. 11 MOFFAT LANE—n from 440 23d. INI OF FIT AV—from 22d to 23d, bet Wash and Adams avs. MONROE AV—S from 801 18th, 7th e of Wall av. MONTANA AV—s from W 25th, 3 blks w of Weber River. MONTGOMERY AV—s w from 700 N Wash av. MOORE LANE—now Gramercy av. MORTON AV—S from 541 2d. MORTON TERRACE—2605-2609 Adams av. MOUND FORT—bet 11th, 12th, O S L track and Marriott. MOUNTAIN AV—e from 2740 Taylor av. MOUNTAIN VIEW—near Wasatch moun¬tains, bet 36th and 42d. MURRAY AV—431 32d. NEBRASKA AV—on a line with west city limits s of 25th. NERGO CT—127 W 22d. NEWI.LL—e from 239 N Wash av. NINETEENTH—e and w from 1900 Wash av NINTH—e and w from 900 Wash av. NORTH BOULEVARD—on a line with W 4 0th, 7 blks w of Weber River. NORTH COURT—e from 3140 Madison av. NORTH OGDEN—5 miles n of Ogrlen. NYE AV—s from 160 W 28th. OAK—e from 2140 Jackson av. OAK—e from 775 N Adams av. OAK—on a line with W 4 3d, 7 blks w of Weber River. OAKLAND AV—S from 239 33d. OBSERVATORY AV—one blk w of WTeber River, bet 25th and 26th. ODELL AV—n from 140 W 20th. OGDEN AV—s from 435 3d, from 439 7th, from 15th to 16th and from 31st to 32d. OGDEN BOULEVARD—n from 25th, bet Ty¬ler and Polk avs. OHIO AV—s from 25th, bet Nebraska and Michigan avs. OLIVE—on a line with W 47th, 10 blks w of Weber River. ORCHARD AV—s from 639 25th, n from 640 12th. PACIFIC AV—s from 21st to limits, bet Wall av and Weber River. PARK—see 20th, Nob Hill. PARK—n and s from 240 W 28th. PARK AV—n from 240 4th. PARRY AV—w from 1739 Wash av. PATTERSON AV—w from 3039 Wash av. PENNSYLVANIA AV—S from W 27th, 4½ blks w of Weber River. PIERCE AV—from 1701 19th, 16th e of Wall av. PINCOCK LA—e and w from 3325 Wash av. PINE—e from 639 Wash av. PINE—on a line with W 41st, 7 blks w of Weber River. PINGREE AV—s from 139 28th. PITKIN AV—1 blk n of 500 16th. PLAIN CITY—9 miles northwest. PLEASANT VIEW—see View. PLOK AV—618 18th. POLK AV—s from 1401 19th, 13th e of Wall av. POPLAR—e from 3940 Adams av. POPLAR AV—w from 2633 Lincoln av. PORTER AV—s from 545 12th and from 539 28th. PUEBLO AV—bet W 35th and 36th, 2 blks w of Weber River. QUAYLE AV—n from 360 W 29th, bet Park av and Weber River. QUINCY AV—S from 901 20th, 8th e or Wall av. RAINE TERRACE—2610-2620 Monroe av. READ AV—n from 2 50 23d, s from 257 22d REED TERRACE—2339-2343 Adams av. REEVE AV—n from 201 W 22d. REMBRANDT AV—e from 2940 Jackson av. RIO GRANDE AV—e from 3024 Pacific av. RIVER AV—n and s from 400 W 28th. RIVERDALE—County Road, 2 miles s w of city limits. RIVERDALE RD—s w from 3439 Wash av. RIVERSIDE AV—n from 140 20th. RIVERSIDE AV—n from 140 20ts. ROBBINS—one blk n of 640 W 24th. ROBBINS AV—n from 1440 22d. ROBINSON AV—e from 2440 Polk av to city limits. ROSCOE AV—n from 940 36th. ROSE COURT—w from 2747 Adams av. ROY—7 miles s w of Og-den. ROYAL AV—n from 140 22d. RUSHTON—e from 2040 Quincy av. ST JOE AV—n from 7th, bet Denver and Wash avs. SAN JOSE—bet W 30th and 31st, 2 blks w of Weber River. SANTA FE-—bet W 29th and 30th, 2 blks w of Weber River. SECOND—e and w from 200 Wash av. SECOND AV—e from 3040 Harrison av. SERRES—221 27th. SEVENTEENTH—e and w from 1700 Wash av. SEVENTH—e and w from 700 Wash av. SHAW LANE—n and s, 12th w of Wash av. SHEPARD av—e and w from 1940 Polk av. SHERBURNE AV—n w from 239 W 22d. SHERIDAN AV—e from ½ blk e of 539 N Wash av. SHERIDAN AV—S from 1 140 26th. SHERMAN AV—e from 539 N Wash av. SHORTEN AV—w from 2639 Wall av. SHOSHONE—on a line with W 31st, 2 blks w of Weber River. SILSIE AV—n from 720 32d. SIXTEENTH—e from 1600 Wash av. SIXTH—e aind w from 600 Wash av. SLATERVILLE—n w from Five Points, be¬yond Marriott. SMITH—a continuation of Jefferson av, s of 39th, Linwood pi. SOUTH BOULEVARD—bet W 46th and 47th, 7 blks w of Weber River. SOUTH COURT—e from 3160 Madison av. SOUTHWELL—e from 115 N Wash av. SPENCER—e from 3540 Tyler av. SPENCER AV—w from 2040 Wall av. SPRUNG—a continuation of Adams av, s or 39th. SPRUCE—on a line with W 41st, 7 blks w of Weber River. SPRUNT—e from 2140 Taylor av. STEELE AV—n from 1040 20th. STEPHENS AV—s rrom 140 W 31st. STILWELL TERRACE—2760-2780 Grant av. STUART LANE—n from 440 22d. SULLIVAN—e from 3040 Jerferson av, thense s e beyond Harrison av. SUMMIT—on a line with W 32d, 2 blks w of Weber River. SWAN AV—e from 2240 Polk av. TANNER COURT—s from 847 22d. |