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Show J. M. FORRISTALL 501 Eccles Building Telephone 425 Surety Bonds, Fire, Accident, Liability and Burglary INSURANCE 86 R. L. POLK & CO'S Cawley Silas E, pipeftr S P Co, rms 712 W 12th. Cazier Alex, farmer, b Mrs Isabelle Cazier. Cazier Blanche, emp Amer Can Co, b 1947 Grant av. Gazier Fred A, clk L E Wertz, r 1947 Grant av. Cazier Isabelle (wid Benj), r N Ogden. Cazier Mrs Rhea L, clk, rms 552 26th. Cedar Ridge Mining Co, 205 Eecles Bldg. Cederlof Edwd, mldr Ogden Iron Wks Co, rms 124 23d. Cederstrom Magnus, r 908 Wash av. Celleoni Richd, hlpr S P Co. CENTRAL CARRIAGE WORKS, George Huss Propr, Auto Re¬pairers, Carriage and Wagon Makers, 2343 Hudson av, Tel 517-W. Central Electric Supply Co, J S Macbeth mgr, 2450 Wash av. Central Fire Station, Grant av n e cor 26th. Central Heating & Power Co, J H Knauss mgr, rear Col Hudsol Bldg. Central Hotel (Louis Avondet), 220 25th. Central Junior High School, Adams av n e cor 25th. Central Park Presbyterian Church, 3111 Wash av. Cerigoili Guido, lab, rms rear 2741 Lincoln av. Cevering John, lab S P Co, r 3271 Stephens av. Chacarty Eusebio, herder, rms 2548 Wall av. Chadwick Benj jr, lab Amal Sugar Co, r Slaterville. Chadwick Frank E, mgr West Coast L Ind Dept, r 2707 Grant av. Chadwick Mrs Jennie, cigarmkr Henry Wessler, rms 234 24th. Chadwick John S, farmer, r N Ogden. Chadwick Jos A, farmer, r N Ogden. Chadwick J LeRoy, lab O B Madson, r N Ogden. Chadwick Lewis S, farmer, r N Ogden. Chadwick Olive E, clk Ogden Utah Knitting Co, b N Ogden. Chadwick Thersa, clk E H G Williams Mus Co, b N Ogden. Chaix Peter, live stock, r 309 Plaza Apts. Chamberlain Addison J, real est, r 648 Wash av. Chamberlain Alice E (wid Wm A), r View. Chamberlain Mrs Cloe E, r 300 Harrisville rd. Chamberlain Fremont C, office mgr Ogden Sale Co, rms 2629 Grant av. Chamberlain Geo F, r View. Chamberlain Harry F, lab Amer Can Co, r 171 22d. Chamberlain Henry E, farmer, r View. Chamberlain Lee L, slsmn J S Campbell Co, r 328 32d. Chamberlain Wm A, student, b 648 Wash av. Chamberlain Wright A, b View. Chamberlin Jas F, asst ydmstr O U R & D Co, r 2642 Monroe av Chambers Allan A. oiler O U R & I) Co, r 168 Doxey av. Chambers Alma D, telr First Nat Bank, r 887 23d. Chambers A A, firmn Amal Sugar Co. Chambers Mrs Catherine L, r 1169 Orchard av. Chambers Clara B, nurse 168 Doxey av, r same. Chambers C Arthur, student, b 1169 Orchard av. HARPER BROTHERS LEGAL PRINTERS Street Phone Wasatch 1840 Salt Lake City BATESTAS BROS. Proprs. Where Everyone Goes Confection Experts mfrs. of FAMOUS SEG0 LILY CHOCOLATES and Deiicious CANDIES of Every Make Ice Cream Sherbets and Light Lunches 2437 Washington Ave. Phone 728 NGN-SKID CONCRETE PAVEMENTS FOR CITY STREETS SURER! AVE., OGDEN CITY PERMANENT CONCRETE ROADS are a war1 necessity. They save time and labor in hauling produce from the farms to railway termi¬nals or markets. They save wear and tear on truck, tires and engines, on horses and carts—waste in fuel, oil and power—speeds up production. Fewer men, fewer motors, less fuel, less trouble, less ex¬pense for repairs needed—more work done. No more stalled trucks in mud, ruts or holes. Trucks can run the entire year with full loads all the time. Conservative first cost — upkeep is negligible. Made of heme materials. For further information address: UTAH SALES COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES: OGDEN, UTAH OGDEN PORTLAND CEMENT SALT LAKE CITY OFFICE: 907 KEARNS BLDG. SALES AGENTS RED DEVIL PORTLAND CEMENT BUILDING MATERIALS NEPHI PLASTER PRODUCTS |