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Show FOLEY VARIETY STORES 5, 10,15, 25, 50c Up to $1.00 MERCHANDISE OF MERIT 2410 Washington Ave. Tel. 303 104 R. L. POLK & CO'S Couturier Richd N jr, oiler, r 765 High School pi. COVERT EARL R, Adv Solr R L Polk & Co, r Salt Lake City. Covey Fred, swchmn, rrns 213 ½ 25th. Covey Geo A, brkmn U P, b 764 21st. Covey Louis, r 764 21st. Covey Lulu A (wid Earl M), emp Goddard Pkg Co, r 1878 Park av. Covey Olga R, student, b 764 21st. Covey Roy, asst ydmstr O U R & D Co. Covey Roy, tmstr Shaw & Stone Coal Co. Covington Berrill, firmn, r 3011 Jefferson av. Covington Berrill jr, firmn Wright's, b 3011 Jefferson av. Covington Florence, clk, b 3011 Jefferson av. Covington Jas F, swchmn, r W 12th. Covington Jos T, farmer, r Marriott. Covington Odessa, b Marriott. Cowan, see also McCowan. Cowan Albt B, farmer, r Slaterville. Cowan Albt W, moved to Salt Lake City. Cowan Clarence, farmer, b Slaterville. Cowan Jas, farmer, r Slaterville. Cowan John, farmer, r Slaterville. Cowan Louis, farmer, r Slaterville. Cowan Naomi (wid Robt), rms 437 28th. Cowan Nellie, b Slaterville. Cowan Richd, farmer, r Slaterville. Cowan Wm, farmer, r Slaterville. Cowles Alice (wid Jas E), r 807 20th. Cowles Mabel C, r rear 622 23d. Cowles W Leland, appr A L Scowville Press, b 807 20th. Cowlishaw Geo R, lab, rms 749 30th. Cowlishaw Paul A, appr S P Co. Cowlishaw Wm H, insp O U R & D Co, r 2132 Stuart la. Cox Albt, r W Weber. Cox Barbara, nurse Dee Hosp, rms Nurses' Home. Cox Emma E (wid David J), r 446 17th. Cox E Virginia, clk T C Foley Co, b 446 17th. Cox Grant, tmstr, b 446 17th. Cox I M (Ogden Employment Office), rms 2476 Lincoln av. Cox Jas, trucker O U R & D Co. Cox Jos R, handymn S P Co, rms 202 23d. Cox June, student, b 446 17th. Cox Levi, emp Hansen L S & F Co. Cox Robt H, gen mdse Hooper, r same. Cox Wm, messr Fred M Nye Co, b 446 17th. Coy Clarence, farmer, r Plain City. Coy Mrs Eliza, r Plain City. Coy Robt, r 2251 Moffit av. Cozy The (L C Jones), pkt billiards 173 24th. Crabtree A B jr, clk G A Lowe Co, b 168 23d. Crabtree Harvey H, repr S P Co, rms 2518 Lincoln av. Cracroft LeRoy R, chf clk U I C R R. r 946 Capitol av. Craft Quincy R, moved to Denver, Colo. HIAWATHA COAL SOLD BY ALL DEALERS UNITED STATES FUEL CO. SALT LAKE CITY THE R&O QUALITY SHOP Modern Dressers of Men and Young Men Clothing Overcoats Suits Furnishings Shoes and Hats 25th St. Phone 631 B. H. GODDARD 429 24th Street INSURANCE Telephone 500-W FIRE, LIFE ACCIDENT AND HEALTH PLATE GLASS TORNADO, BUR¬GLARY, POSTAL AUTOMOBILE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1918. 105 Cragin Henry, lab Amal Sugar Co, b 638 23d. Cragin Mabel M, clk Wright's, b 638 23d. Cragin Sophia (wid Danl), r 638 23d. Cragun Calvin, farmer, b View. Cragun Eva, tchr Weber Academy, rms 653 27th. Cragun Mrs Hilda, steno Troy Lndry, r 3460 Wash av. Cragun Laura (wid Willard U), r View. Cragun Lee, farmer, r View. Cragun Mary A (wid Wilford), r View. Cragun Mormon, r View. Cragun Wilby, farmer, r rear 738 26th. Cragun Wiley G, farmer, r 733 26th. Cragun Wilson, slsmn, r 359 Brown ct. Craig Belle E, b 483 17th. Craig Enoch O, student, b 695 23d. Craig John M, forrnn S P Co, r 695 23d. Craig Wm, pres Wm Craig Canning Co, r 483 17th. CRAIG WM CANNING CO, Wm Craig Pres, G B Rodman Sec, Mrs Lou Rodman Treas, 3d cor Hudson av, Tels 43 and 224. Cramer, see also Creamer and Kramer. Cramer Carl A, clk, rms 3279 Wall av. Crandall Albt B, trucker O U R & D Co, b 129 Poplar av. Crandall Audrey, tchr, rms 419 Plaza Apts. Crandall Bernetta, b 125 2d. Crandall Jay G, painter, r 125 2d. Crandall Lawrence, slsmn, b 129 Poplar av. Crandall Leo H, chfr Scowcroft's, b 129 Poplar av. Crandall Rose E (wid Wm H), r 129 Poplar av. Crandall W Ray, sgsmkr Russell-James Co, rms 336 18th. Crane Arthur E, farmer, b Farr West. Crane Arthur J, farmer, r Farr West. Crane Co, T J Thomas formn, plmbrs supplies 20th and Wall av Crane John, mgr Kennedy's Cafeteria, r 543 25th. Crane Walter W, r 115 2d. Crane Wm (USA), b Farr West. Cranendonk, see Kranendonk. Craner Claude, handymn S P Co. Crangle D Chester, clk, r 2946 Child av. Crase Alfred, cond S P Co, r 2563 Jackson av. Crase Clarence E, cond S P Co, r 3222 Grant av. Crase Walter J, bkpr Utah Pkg Corp, b 2563 Jackson av. Crathorn Dewey, carp S P Co, b 444 27th. Crathorn Earl, hlpr S P Co, r 444 27th. Crathorn Wm, hlpr S P Co, b 444 27th. Craven Herman J, civ eng, r 2530 Jefferson av. Craven Ina E, prin Pingree Schl, -rms 2534 Brinker av. Craven Jas, tmstr G A Whitmeyer & Sons, r 2530 Jefferson av. Craven Walter S, civ eng, r 1544 Robinson av. Crawford Chas G, brkmn U P, r 2674 Monroe av. Crawford Jos L, driver Ogden Egg Co, r 1929 Grant av. Crawford Juanita M, student, b 2676 Lafayette av. Crawford Lawrence E, clk, rms 2539 Adams av. Merchants Credit Bureau EFFICIENT PROGRESSIVE RELIABLE BONDED TO THE STATE OF UTAH FOR $5000.00 The Merchants Credit Bureau collects more money and employs more people than all other Ogden Agencies combined 201-203 & 214 ECCLES BLDG. PHONE 691 J. C. NYE AGENCY CO. GENERAL INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 602 ECCLES BLDG. C. E. Armstrong & Co. Sporting Goods KODAKS Photographic Supplies Developing and Printing BICYCLES Talking Machines Edison Mazda Lamps Franco Flash Lights with Radio Batteries RUBBER STAMPS |