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Show Mark Austad, President STUDENT OFFICERS Acquisition of sumptuous quarters in which to relax in oriental luxury was only one of the varied accomplishments of this versatile group. Other new-found ways to spend student tuition fees included personal Christmas cards, potted plants, and "bundles for Britain" . . . Even Mark's dulcet booming baritone assumed new shades of oratorical splendor in these surroundings . . . Lured by the unaccustomed magnificence and privacy of two-eleven Moench, males found Emma and Ethel even more attractive . . . Only Winslow was unappeased-he got the bills. Ethel Hogge, Secretary; Emma Maritn, Vice-President; Winslow Gardner, Treasurer. BOARD OF CONTROL INTER-CLUB COUNCIL Airing grievances, defending the sacred principles of a democratic school, and seeking justice are the alleged purposes of the Board of Control . . . Composed of the student officers, the two class presidents, three faculty representatives, and two freshman hold-over members, it considers the weighty matters of student government in the pseudo-serious manner of college striplings . . . These edict-addicts spend a great deal of time watching a rapidly diminishing student body fund and eath other. Inter-club Council - that respite-from-social-amenities that governs the clubs' con-and-misconduct-where tongue and tong seek to make the rulings for all of the clubs. Here rushing, pledging, eligibility of club members, and other international problems are threshed out . . . The group's internecine quarrels are settled in grave parleys which remotely amuse the school at large. Recognition by this august body is to the socially ambitious comparable only to a place on the Dean's Team. Facing Camera (left to right): Mr. Monson, Mr. Stevenson, Rex McEntire. Robert Bischoff. LaVon Earl. Backs to Camera (left to right): Emma Martin. Winslow Gardiner, Grant Neuteboom, Ethel Hogge, Mark Austad. Front Row: James Whetton. Darold Burt, Keith Wilcox, Margaret Bachman, Gladys Godfrey, Ardell Russell. Donna Marie Curran. Helen Badger, Arlene Jenson. Second Row: Johnny Eccles. Dale Welling, Athalene Cordon. Helen Reberg. Arlene Paul. Mrs. Hall, Anna Prothero. George Handy. Third Row: John Walker, Carl Moss, Bill Sander. Gerritt Wolthuis. Robert Blakely. Wesley Hodgman. |