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Show TEAM COMPETITION INTRAMURAL CALANDAR Sept. 8 - Sept.22 Sept. 8, 15, 22 - Oct. Sept.20 18 | - Sept. 21 Sept.14 Jan. Jan. Tenis instruction @ ott Last 00M 37908 year» ten 7 teams were organi rize zedd t to in thee in intramural activities, ‘Chrdsghout 8 * Dec. 13 - 25) Seman Yotiagheld Jan. 10 - Feb. a Feb. 10 Mar. 6 Mar. 13 Mar. , is used individ ual ad | oral amg : Vv : par a ticipa pat te th - ‘ P . : wing to compute: points,...150 point Pew eM O1nts.... team sp sportor ts 105 ,ts poin sports, onan stasis aay maximum fos teams, are. listed C hart ‘according, to ‘the B oq aut year Pe : 00-8: 00“Monday nights G6: eith , er points onthe... ey aarned contact a team | in captal n a ® seeting ion© Basketball competit Monday eign ¢ 6: : 00-8: :00 ££ & @& @ ’ a about p pla ye their own - Archery temmnac team, or + ask 90h3e Softball: ‘competition ee to © | Tournament@ 4:00 to ‘ie roints,+i-1st! Cougars. c+..Suson_ Hick or a section Hickey | eer ne, Jan Vail, Pat Reid, fys: ore Hascock, > Janet Rickins : sf Fla gz Footbell. «Chicano peal s i... Eel j eee re ® necting encuiah 99 _ ,? os tournament- n Softball” informatio Bowling on TEAM WINNERS is : a intnettil Sedaiaton double cs 9: 00 © ‘Monday ‘nights @ 6: = 00- = u0oM aMonday @ 3200 kl op : Swimming Meet @ 3400- cases AS numbe r ee mitton SS 17: - Wee well’ @ 3: :00 “asfoebott-infor 10 vem maximur m for n | “Volleyball infornatio 1 < touraanent se May | l competition Flag footbal 6:00-8: 700 Monday nights @ Golf Sept.14,21 Nov. -padder Tournament “O#ootball information meeting 6:0 Sept. 13 Nov. Tenn is éiele Eleanor F r ronda ‘Volleyball.....co-winners: Pa hicnapeioyae gah ye Wade eecccecceesOUsSan PS93s; 7) . Sa Hickey us Clodet fe8s'40e4«sLouise Taintor _Pesketball..... : co-winners Cougars... * r the i fe. Susan ackers....i'.3..,.Kris Hick Wade ied |