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Show City Board Shifts Key Personnel A planning director for the agreed that.a replacement for; Dr. Garner said the. councii Ogden School District, a new Mr. Blonquist could be delayed | would not become a permanent pane next June, giving’ more Arranger principal for Ben Lomond High |time to look both inside and out; | Mr. Ulibarri’s assignment will School and a district minorities \Side the district for a suitable, be to improve relations with micoordinator were appointed by | replacement. inority groups. the Ogden Board of Education | The board approved creation, Of ‘Chicano nationality, he /of a music coordinating councils holds a bachelor’s degree and Monday evening. |made up of music teachersjis nearing a master’s degree. The appointments were made from within the district to co-;He taught at Wahlquist Junior on recommendation of Dr. Wil- ‘ordinate the program until ajHigh in the Weber School Disliam L. Garner, superintendent. /new superivsor is narved. itrict before going’to WSC. The planning director and mi-. | Dr... Garner said his salary|with minorities in solving their ‘norities coordinator posts, both will be $13,700 plus an allowance | problems inew, were made ‘federal grants district. possible obtained by by for the i travel. Alex Hurtado, a member of | & Spencer Klomp, retiring board the Ogden City Council, who at- |P caitinlct » a4 ta SRpressem’ ei concern tended. the board meeting, ithat replacement for Dr. CarNEW POSITION {praised Dr. Garner for “an ex-}ruth be named soon on the disNamed to the planning coicellent job with minority |trict staff. ordinator position was Dr. Lion- | groups.” | Board members and Dr. Garel G. Drechsel, principal at Ben | He said the superintendnet*has |ner complimented him for an Lomond High School. ‘shown a willingness. to listen excellent job as assistant superSelected to take over the Ben and an ability to’ communicate |intendent. Lomond principalship was Dr. Russell W. Carruth, assistant superintendent. Picked for the new job as minorities coordinator was. John| Ulibarri, currently a member of the ethnic studies staff at Weber State College. The board agreed to delay selection of a music supervisor for. the district to replace Blaine Four Ogden area educators Blonquist, who died recently. ‘are. scheduled to fly to the EFFECTIVE NOW ‘Air Force Academy at Colo: Dr. Garner said the appointrado Springs Jan. 16-18 to parments are to be effective immediately, although the appointees ‘ticipate in the annual Educawill probably need to wind up tor Airlift program. some assignments in connecThey will be among a_ {total tion with their old assignments. of 25 Utah educators who visit _ The superintendent said Dr. the academy to get a first Drechsel will also have the hand look at the facilities and buildings and grounds departacademic programs geared to ment as part of his new respontrain young men as Air Force sibilities. officers. ‘ The planning position has Included in the tour willbe been made possible by a $20,000 special briefings and access ' federal grant for which the Ogprivileges which are not availden district has been >chosen able to individual. visitors. as the pilot district for the enVISIT ACADEMY tire. state. Local educators who plan to The planning coordinator will visit the academy are Dennis tie together long-range planJ. Hogge, a counselor at’ Bonnning in general education, voeville High School; Mrs. E. cational education, and in eduP. Fehr, an Ogden High School cation for the handicapped. counselor; Joseph A. Graves, The program in the Ogden disassistant principal at Roy trict could lead to its being High School and Jack Tittensor, ‘named as a_ ‘‘redevelopment a Ben Lomond High School center’ and given-a “forefront counselor. © . position” -in educational planThe group will be accompwing, Dr. Gerald H. Raat, assistanied by three Utah. newsmen ant superintendent in: charge and three Air Force liasion of curriculum, told the board ir officers. December in presenting the Transportation will be pro‘proposed program for poard apvided by the Air Force and proval. Four Area Educators. To Take Part-in ‘Airlift Dr. Drechsel “has spent 11 years as principal at Ben Lomond and was pupil personnel director for the Ogden District before that. SCHOOL PRINCIPAL He came to the Ogden district from Monticello, where he had been a school principal. He had been an electrical engineer before going into education. Dr. Garner said Dr. Drechse | will remain at the same salary ‘level he had had as a secon- | dary principal. | Dr. Carruth had been an ad| ministrative assistant and direcitor of special services before ‘being named an assistant super- ‘intendent. Earlier he had been ‘assistant principal at Mound 'Fort School and a teacher of ‘social studies and a_ baseball | coach. He holds a doctor’s degree from Harvard University. Dr. Garner emphasized that the shifting of Dr. Carruth to the principalship was “‘in no way a demotion” and that Dr. Carruth took the job as “‘his own desire,” NO DECISION The superintendent said n9 decision has been reached on who would be named io the vacant position as assistant superintendent, but that a recommendation would be ready for the board at its next meeting in| two weeks. | He said an administrative as-| isistant might be named instead| ‘of another assistant superintend- | |ent. Dr. Garner said principals had housing will be available the ‘academy at a mini cost. : ‘Educators will have an portunity to talk to~ cz from their respective scl about various programs activities available . during four-year bachelor’s de course built into academy riculum. } | | j | |