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Show tar a! plus foltt altarnates alternate ee have been selected for the 12th will participate in 1 D. a yaa sig!) pr eaten runners High contest is}; for Monday, June 9; as of the 28 } -ammounced by Ogden Juniors.avenge Association en | t's ete pause is. te Reereation n «4 last loss wa mega held. a ally been moved ‘up towe aie 14. |Brad Bubak, Layton. provide |are: 7 ‘TiOETs. ON SALE 3 4 | ee tchers—Warren Hatch, | Granger. y; Bobby Harris, Davis. ‘Infielders — Dave McCurdy, ue to the opéning of the I: Tickets foaMthe game ‘are én) Inticldehe Shane Cos tley lp righton; Allen Tingey, year’s th ‘in 1 fishing season. The Fri sale at Say-On, Kamm leyer's; Weber; Edy.Monson, Ben|Skyline; Andre Ellison, tbe - iy eo June 2 workout willbe: soled the Minty o Lounges and/Lomond,,*Clyde Nelson,|Granger; Joe Nichols, Brighton; Gary Strong of by a get acquairifed’ ban Grit ‘Sthith’ sk ood King Stores |V iewmonts Gerry Okuda,|Tom Farlino, Cottonwood; Department.| Bonneville High School. Proceeds -from-- the-game...g0. 4A ap ar slaven under Players seleéted for the game! SOUTH TEAM South Squad—Pitchers: Brady Noth Sqtiad-—Pitchers: Mark | Wood, Kearns; Rick Allen, Brent Taylor,)Granger; Keith Joseph, Skyline. Roy; § outstanding | Kano, J erry Burnett, .Ben| Catchers—Nick Rudelich, D rovided by Say-| Ogden; Cylde Nelson,|Hillcrest; Scott Sugden, PWolfe’s Si sting Goodg, |L.0 mond; al . and will be used:.in ths at centsfor children 1K . Jt addition, thé parti 16 BS}, the School catcher to speed. Pe i Affleck: Park. eleeuon for. ie tration Biro ‘ ae Contest sponsored a by ches ahd Mi ne for players, coaches afid League SONS here fan. Departwe City Recreation’ Bountiful; Reserved Seats are \View;, ‘Brent Rich Jones, Sky|Kerry Lindquist, Jordan. Miller, Clearfield. Outfielders—Jim Gunnel jurdpirin _and up-grading the _ SOUTH COACH Woodland, | Kast; Gary Barber, Judge; ongale aj the Recreation Office, | OutfieldérsPaul 11290 23rd one 399-8253. |Ogden; Bil | Cook, Viewmont; | Alan Oe i basebalk. prograyy, .Wohn Pino, Highland High game, Strong, Provo; Alter pours and Seutiy, teams edach, will’ again © direct — the Smith’s Food King Wille ogcin|domeoweet are $1.50, adult/PRawJ A ippets, Bonneville; |nates—Gary Thompson, West team, | featiire outstandin ‘pitching | South be provide®-Fisear cent? hor’“dogs. general admission $1 and. $0/Alternates: Larry Hess. Davis: WW. Lewis, Provo. Pino ‘will 3 AL Registration for Ogdert. Summer School Open Registration for the. in classes school summerjevening classes Ogden \scheduled. can be CLASS FEES School.District junior and senior| high, schools. must ‘be completed| Summer class: fees. will be.$8 by Friday school officials said| for two hours or less; $12¢for today, three. hours, and; $15. for. four Registrations can be carrie di,ho ours. on teach schoolinthe district, | Courses are being offered ‘in and the registration fee must be | three ‘classifications-makeup paid atthe tinie. of registration. credit, new-Credit, and enrich- For students wanting to sign ment courses without eredit. up for makeup, work, the final | Registration registration opportunity will be education will be June; 9¢fromy 8. a.m. Students. must: for driver condueted to noon. | through the high.s¢hool offic. register! at the ‘Three schoo! they/attend: sections — of ” driver ‘education will be offered afapen Registration for the summer | Lomond starting June 5 with swimming program. will be held) classes starting at7 a.m., 8:30 at Ben Lomond and Ogden high! a.m. and 10 a.m. schools: The~ program - will ae-|~-A» seeond~ section.-will tually..b鮢ondueted by Ogden June CitVe we Alljunior ghigh . schools provide in formation summery sehool. willl schools ‘with “s Present sixth viay »Tegister | grade studé for _ suital % will he deiiduetere” at -Ben Lomond *4mnd*? Mount” bogdtn aJUNIOL.e High. Some special classes’ widl be effgred eet ether pecondary SChOO}S yx rr ‘= Students from ‘Obden High and Central and Wash ington junior highs will attend summer school at Mount Ogden. Those from Mound Fort and Highland will have their classes at ‘Ben Lomond. All classes for makeup cheat will be conducted at Moung “a Ogden and at Ben Lomond. d classes will begit Sune 12 and conclude July 21. Most classes will be held from § a.m. to noon, Mondays through fridays. If registration fid@ient. late dem afte (cei Ogden: “Highié, these will begin Ju oe wi “morning, cl Be atthe “The second; sécti wll Hegin Bia: win MAW ¢ Morning sinning at 7 a a. and oon : Summer starting. Sed ®| afternoon @lass at 5 5 FONT. 5 ry —————— classes” | beginning at (i MAY REGISTER hegin, -classes.. ane for j}a:m, arid 8:30-a:m, . fhe. sixtt<* grade . elementary) oAt Students’ in~ schools that oe into that’ specific junior high three, , with: jeach day at40 a.m,‘and 6 pam A third ‘section will starts concerning | 11, programs 19, — AS class at 5 p.m. |