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Show PAGE DON CAMPBELL CHILDHOOD HERO FALLS ON Don Campbell is president of the senior Class for 1972-"~ He was on the «= “at council’ * ahd’ has! 3.14 grade average. His hobbies are skiing, football, and he loves almost class. He says if possible he would like a senior class get together at the beginning of next year, so all can get to know each other again. After graduation he plans to go into medicine. He'd like to finish by saying , "he'd kike to make the class of 73 the grearest ever." KARLA Karla Funk, a former rior and now Ben elected to the Class Secretary. Weber Lomond office in also some way ran because to serve the As far as next year's she states: "We'll make money and do more than trings.“ to things, aia do then NANCY War- Scot, was of Senior Karla ran for the office was tired of letting else do the work. She -ecause everyone riding, her she wanted <c:, 2. the ' traditional MORTENSEN ceramics, and she lists ‘tis skiing. She was recently the winner of a 3150°Scholarship®” at-®"2944n%e"Cl1o— thier for her window display. She senior year help the stated year in high make it Class of is that "I your most think your important school and I hope I can such for the member of "73." childhood the Ogden hero, City Office: Police the “urch Departiient, was found parking in ai. ~ARKING 30 FEET warning. Apparenti; Officer Burch forgot A: «11 that of you Law. know, you’ cannot park sign within thirty téet “of a™ which displays ~@.NO Fr” FEET zone. STOP 2 2 “Sars of the Student Body observes 2:8 car parked within the zone on the corner of 9th and Jackson. Upon measuring found to be only the 23 distance, feet 5 it in. Two concerned students, Les S$ iff anson and Terry Bexell took it upon themselves to make the officer aware of his infringement of the law. \ ticket was written and placed on the windshield of the officer's ski, ride, motorcycle love to int.” of are Hats off to a law Body: | LORRI RII IIR III abiding Student II Sok deeded ses The fund raising dinner which was held during the Parent-Teacher Conference was a great success. and helped in raising money for the tour Hi. he bike in and adds, "I the goals a big and to in the dive, parking for name next for the get more stomps summoer if possi- ble. When asked about’ Spence remarks, school spirit, school "We have but spirit, a lot we need c: s- more.'' As a closing somment "We the Junior Lomond a better Class class COLLEEN Colleen Spence ~ Armstrong was Colleen's ability, talent while team member. Swi.: also’ Ben ARMSTRONG in ovtaining the office Class Vice President. Among says, will make for 1974*" successful of talents she. Junior is her demonstrated participating as kas a 4.0 grade a point average. plans to “try = Ew body involved and to try to She Class will of also '74 the that Ben Lomond is also going to "74 es can't in all out'do the for next year are OnNeAS O°6f “theo gtidént in 2-501 activities promote school spirit. attempt to make the~best “junior “class has ever had. She see if all the future the Class other of class activities-~ ¥ Jj? Among other fund raising prodjec<s will be a spring concert to be held on May 4. Admission will be$1.00. The A Capella choir is also preparing for may performance in the future. They are tenatively planning to go to Orem High School to do a combined concert with Orem and Weber High Schools. to my make Colleen's The Modern Choir has decide to try for Calif ~nia agian this year, and plans are now under way for them to leave on May 27 for the "Golden State." But, Spence's to -unior Class and concerts ‘She CALIFORNIA OR BUST:, scubba ride. wreck Some year automobile. plans go, a lot of just a few some." hobbies Qur of on Next year's Junior. Class. President is Spence Hale. Spence holds a 3.2 grade point average. "I love it" is what Specne says when asked about Ben Lomond. "but the attendance system is meeses up. It needs a change." Spence like to .water ski, snow swimming Nancy Mortensen, °?23".-°37 S4¢y°héer first school office, was elected by this vear's Junior Class to serve as ae Glass Vice President next year. Among Thompso! A oueet Bandy was ery members of the sutdent body morning of April 19. was FUNK Doe:PO AG. PATH OF WICKEDNESS all sports. He was on the footwall team anda track team last year. He's looking forward ° next year and in taking part in tunning the school. He states ''Ben Lomond is a « ~ school but there's not enough spirit." His ambition for next year is to i= more activities for the senior 4 The choir sing at has also been invited Baccalaureate and com mencement, and would certainly appre ciate the student body's support. JAN CLAYSON Jan Clayson was successful in her ca. -aign for Jr. Class Secretary. This year Jan was on the’ student council (she was a senator) and was the Sophomore representative from her home room class. Scholastically, Jan grade point average of Her skiing; riding. hobbies are ‘bike ridding, has 3.8. snow “and held and %e®. a water ~ +2k |