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Show SOPHOMOAH CLASS RwPORTS DiC WB igh In, he month of At Bifs market, on gaturday, the 18th “five thirty pm. We had compatition.of 10,},1,&12 grades. December the Sophomores had a bake sale, 7th street. The bake sale was held on of Dec. #rom nine in the morning untill made 440.00 off the bake sale. we also decorating Christmas trees,between the JANUARY ghe class. : : : : | : ‘ i { c . IG. +4 3 | Debi Boist ort of January were all _ Scots week was During Scots week with all kinds was kinds a busy of month for activities the going $ophomore on. heid'from Monday the 24th, until the 28th,. the sophomore class decorated their hall of things that are a tradition at BEN LUMOND we used bagpipes, pictures of the scotty dog. Also the Junior class sponcered a turtle race. Sophomore entereda turtle by the name of Fritz and theirw:s compatition between classes. Our turtle took 2nd, with the juniors taking lst, and the seniors ,taking 3rd. During the Scots week assemblie the Sophomore sponcered a lemon eating contest. There were three different groups . Sophomore took first place, YsAiit . | 4 Also : month Their j , during the month of January,we had Sawdie , Mchawkens week, the Girls association sponcered this week. There was 2 toco ec ting contest which the sophomore classentered. yeot. Friniss a vhon : tocos in 15 mbudedes Alen dn nie ee Wer Ma Sea seHFo Rte 7 a game . whice Also in a rocking won the this chair juniors month the marathon lst,2nd,placewarie it won first gtudent lasted Stephens, place. Body for 2nd officers 20 place sponcered hours. sophomores Debie Albretsen. PW BRUARY On ebruary held in the they baked 25, the sephomoreclass had a bake sale, main hall. the sophmore girls helped us cup-cakes and other baked, goods for us. which was alot , we made #7 00. MARCH in two bake the month sales.in of the jiarch main the hall sophomore of Ben 24 by class Lomond had « The 21st -¢ were the dates for the bake sales .ithe cup cakes were made the sophomore girls, which helped alot. We made g 8.40 On the 29th of jiarch we decorated for aster in the sophomore hall. It read ":ophomore Class wishes everyone a happy Haster. e THANK = i YOU KON CANDIA PRES, DEBIE ADAM V. bitus. Viale LAYNE SiC, é |