OCR Text |
Show ise Rip pte PREAMP eae Oe - NOVEMBER en annouriced that 263 stents are ar i La Kofoed,j Vicki L. Maier, Colleen Mon-| Brent, a jaeeth, Virginia Moss, ini ie ~ | have been listed oa the honor Lewis, Rand T. Mattson, io Erie 0 high roll and honor roll iy the seph C. ‘Mayli year’s inst uarter. ‘ Seniors on the ‘high oe (4.0 average) are: mb. thotibr and Jackie Mc- Paskett, Kev © Carla pr Minks, Scott Mont-|’ Kim Co d Robe gomery, Pauline Muller, Kris-/22d _ Diane Ahlmer, Carol Ander- tin G. Parkinson, Kent L. Peter-| BambRobert i Mary Ellen Barden, Kathy!son, Peggie K. ‘Peterson, Jean| Richins tt, Pegs e Bingham, Re- Phillips, Cath. ou ett, , ca , Jenny Carter,|Ra James Cassity, Michael Clemjons, Vicki. Cummings, Jeffery! TH Daniels and Laurie Davidson. |D. Sagel, Ker BILL DEVEREUX, Michael lie Staffans Fowers, Kathy Fronk, Melanie |phen ‘Glanville, ‘Brent Hamblin, Max- Denise ‘ine. Harris, Deborah Julie Harris, Whitake Hofler, Steven Hubbard,|B ‘Gaye Huggins, Kirk E. Jensen _jand. Cheryl L. Jensen. | Jennifer C. Jury, Kathi Kap, clu Debra Gary K, Krall, gi oSea a ESE. So Kearl, e fa » Y. Shomak- Bifadley K. Smith, Suzanne|H. i I ‘le, Douglas Tittensor, Kim 1 y de, Gary White, . Mitchell erry Wilcox, Connie Wilson and Gail|M. Steph Yorgason. - Seniors. on. the honor roll | (3: 6 and above) are: | Seott. J. Amos, Trudy A Barnes, Peps Beatty, Bar. jbara L. Bee, Holly Behling, /bis Carol A. Carlson,. Jeffrey K.| Ave Child, Kathy. Christenson, Bar-|Ba avin K. bara Clark, Robin L. Covert G. ‘Cavisen, di Joseph ty ates | ‘and Laurie Craig. bers, PatrickJJ. Clemens and ji REBECCA A. DESPAIN, Dana J. Crase. John E. Dietz, Denise Dixon,, Susan K. Crawford, Ernest A. |I Rose. M.. - Dominguez, » Susan| alpias, Dastrup, Peg-|J. Dorigatti,. Paul S. Driver, Ro-|g Deegan,ee Suzanne pert bert G;, Duncan, | Kerry D. Barat Tite, David | Favero, Jane Fishburn, Ricky |Evans, Janet Favero, hee G,. Gaily. and David L: Griffin, Fisher, Sandra L. Fuit, Carol M. Puriy anceey. Le. Griffin, Dennis D. 'L. Gabrielsen and “Chris 8. (Rodack. Brot nine a Grow, Lex C.|Gates. «© ) «i undson, Lecia Hales, Pam-|. PAUL, HAM, aan ene MI vos gga Rebecca Hig- Susan "Cr Hamilton, 1‘Linda A: ‘Vagenas, Kelly erly Hupiemand: Con-'| ot cea Hatcher, Scott | Mark ze ve msen..‘y fs, - Ye ki |Holliday, Connie Hunsaker, We evin, ally Wilk, . Jensen, ieDavic W. jeune ree ° Hutchins, Pr L.léeo, Jarrie geaaniate and nee ) Wendalyn Johnson, _DaA ri Lower, Zisumbo = oe b » Hamaker, Carol Hansen, Griffin, phan D. Grow, "Sia rrison, Deanne. ‘Harrop, Gudmundso: n, Janeann Gillins, |Jean’ ) Thompson, 18, 1971 |