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Show | hope the big “OK then, | won't play. She picked up wolf gets you too!” answered. bad stupid.” out under the her skirt and went crawling “Forget it. Let's go home, the mother tent nt. As they ran into the | don't want to the child. “That's fine with me. held out her arms fo come sweetheart; my .” baby, way any my play “Oh you want me “VIP remember that when to me.” rs to Tommy. there, momlette out love scary your was ver it deli to “Gee, almost got me, Good-bye forever!” my. The big bad wolf Then she ended ming into her me.” saved The mother went stor but daddy Inga.” behind her. 9%, door the goo, d mme ‘goo, sla and house with her regular from her smile friendly a stead of getting dirty look. father she got a staring, the mo“Let's go to bed everybody,’ This has been a ther said. ‘I'm tired. long day.” hard ground They all lay down on the asleep. Since were and faked it like they every night this was a regular happening / THE GULL a lot of practice. had they house their at table and the the upon slept baby The underneath _ it. mother and the father squinted so tightly eyes their had all They have prie ls sucked back into the sea, shut you probably couldn't out a ‘snore let father The them open. baby started the Breaking over rocks every so often which had gone laughing. Before two minutes‘It's morning white Spread out across the bone by the mother was saying shine.” now. Rise and | haven't even Sand. Water sprays on my face. “les not morning yet. gone to sleep.” longer,’ his Vickie Coy “All right, we'll wait a little was doing she wife said. She acted like him a big favor. had gone by After about thirty seconds started humand the mother jumped up She Lamb.” ming ‘Mary had a Little up all the pulling busily around went blankets on the tent. “Rise and shine everybody.’ when I've “How can | ‘rise and shine’ minutes? You only been to bed for two giving his wife was He miracles!”’ expect kinds she eyes, flat nose; Big ears, smal a dirty look. One of thosejust won her had she when usually got The le wasnt strong. friends in the hopscotch tournament. have could she her at way he glared to me a song. seconds. No matter that: he gave easily self-destructed in 30 or not. I'm “1 don't care if you're tired fo get up.” Ann Kraft the wife and | say it's time Gills squawk as a wave BLACK Conquistadors ay 4 e Pe IE a Pe — : gc * . ae Sr a. p ee - head of the house and He to listen to me.’ “Well, I'm the you re supposed going greedy kings to give 5 - unfold , city paved with gold the desert tands of old lead your legions once again,| risen from ¥ re pare 7 eee “ a your . t forget cannon, guns some trading and meen. beads for them 5 | he | ndians of the land you must defend | y you f orgot they i. own this land? | u gave them every barren grain on sand | , your women couldn’t stand i. on t tell me, Bee wee ro ald 7 i 5. e searing heat . lt t L burnt their hei dainty hands. your beads to buy the desert back ° ut t watch your step thisi gold is slick and . black Steve Lucas SUCCESS a goal continues to exceed e quotas of By crushing surviving others, needs. we Lynn CANDLES Softly bie ere old Da ying 1 hei Mins A, o Bul @ candles’ passed n °o mi ind t er , . Th. the men : \ a IPgin rise S Mary ow a and — softly iiines glow chilly - loo i‘ wooden reflections prayers cho And in cilver hou r s on thei r knees A the to lost a & OLD MEN of the past for one more tomorrow leave and with misted eyes S$ smiling face. with silen the ref | ection ti iimprinted i souls. W ae hae é silver=" glow. Ann Kraft UP. 38 39 ee ; behold myths of wealth losing the fight, but he could tell he was wasn't and cx egendary 5. a THE UGLY MINSTREL pense GOLD succeed. Dyment |