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Show 41 Part A. WORD PROCESSING - TBE TA1501 Vz credit exam or TBE TA1701 one-credit course, Intro to Word Processing. Part B. OPERATING SYSTEMS, E-MAIL, AND ELECTRONIC PRESENTATIONS - TBE TB1502 % credit exam or TBE TBI702 one-credit course, Intro to Microcomputers, Email, Operating Systems, and Electronic Presentations. Part C SPREADSHEETS -TBE TC1503 Vz credit exam or TBE TCI 703 one-credit course, Intro to Spreadsheets. Part D. INFORMATION LITERACY (Library and Internet research skills) - TBE TD1504 Vz credit exam or either LIBS TD1704 one-credit course Information Navigator, or ART/COMM/ ENGL/FL/LIBS/THEATD/HU1115 three-credit course Humanities on the Internet: Culture, Content and Access; or LIBS TD2201 two-credit course Library Skills, Resources and Research; or LIBS/BSAD TD2704 one-credit course Information Resources in the Business Disciplines, or LD3S TD2804 one credit course Information Resources in the Social Sciences. Exams are credit/no credit, courses vary. Students should check with the advisor for their Major to determine the best way to meet the computer literacy requirement. More information is also available at: http://programs.weber.edu/cil/. BREADTH REQUIREMENTS Courses selected to fulfill the following general education requirements must each be from a different program (e.g., have a different course abbreviation, with the exception of HNRS - Honors courses). Students should consult with an advisor before selecting general education courses. Humanities/Creative Arts Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Integrated Studies Select nine (9) credit hours - at least three (3) credit hours from Humanities and at least three (3) credit hours from Creative Arts. Each course must be from a different program (e.g. have a different course abbreviation), with the exception of HNRS - Honors courses. Associate of Applied Science Select three (3) credit hours from Humanities or Creative Arts. GROUPS - HUMANITIES Anthropology ANTHHU/DV1040 Art ARTTD/HU1115* Communication COMMHU1020 COMM TD/HU1115* COMMHU2010 COMMHU2110 Foreign Language FLHU1851 orFLHU2851 FL HU2020 Honors HNRS HU1540 HNRSHU2110 Language & Culture (3) Humanities on the Internet (3) Principles of Public Speaking (3) Humanities on the Internet (3) Mass Media & Society (3) Interpersonal & Small Group Communication (3) Study Abroad (3) Study Abroad (3) Foreign Language Second Year II (4) Perspectives in the Humanities (3) Intellectual Traditions: Great Ideas of the West in the Classical and Medieval Eras (3) HNRS HU2120 Intellectual Traditions: Great Ideas of the West in the Modem Era (3) HNRS HU/DV2130 Intellectual Traditions: Great Ideas of the East (3) Library Science LIBS TD/HU1115* Literature ENGL TD/HU1115' ENGL HU/DV2200 ENGL HU/DV2220 ENGL HU/DV2240 ENGL HU/DV2290 ENGL HU/DV2510 ENGL HU/DV2710 ENGL HU3500 ENGL HU/DV3510 ENGL HU3520 ENGL HU3 750 FLTD/HU1115* FL HU2600 Music MUSCHU1043 Philosophy PHIL HUl 000 PHIL HUl 120 PHIL HU1250 Theatre THEATD/HU1115' THEAHU3323 Humanities on the Internet (3) Humanities on the Internet (3) Introduction to Literature (3) Introduction to Fiction (3) Introduction to Poetry (3) Introduction to Drama (3) Masterpieces of Literature (3) Perspectives in Women's Literature (3) Introduction to Shakespeare (3) World Literature (3) Literature of the Natural World (3) Themes and Ideas in Literature (3) Humanities on the Internet (3) Intro to Foreign Lit in Translation (3) Music, the Arts & Civilizations (3) Intro to Philosophy (3) Contemporary Moral Problems (3) Critical TTiinking (3) Humanities on the Internet (3) History & Literature of Contemporary Theatre (3) * TD/HU1115 is cross listed in Art, Communication, English, Foreign Languages & Literature, Library Science and Theatre. GROUPS - CREATIVE ARTS Art ART CA1010 ART CA1030 ARTH CA1090 ARTH CA1100 Intro to the Visual Arts (3) Studio Art for the Non-Art Major (3) Art & Architecture of the World: Paleolithic-AD 1000 (4) Art & Architecture of the World: AD 1000 to Present (4) Only one course from either ART or ARTH may be used to fulfill the Creative Arts general education requirement. Dance DANC CA/DV1010 Honors HNRS CA1530 Music MUSCCA1010 MUSCCA1030 MUSCCA1033 MUSCCA/DV1040 MUSCCA1063 Theatre THEA CA1013 THEA CA1023 THEA CA1033 THEA CA1043 Intro to Dance (3) Perspective in the Creative Arts (3) Intro to Music (3) Introduction to Jazz (3) Intro to American Music (3) Music of World Cultures (3) Music in Religion (3) Intro to Theatre/Survey of Theatre (3) Intro to Film (3) Acting I (3) Intro to American Music Theatre (3) Genera i PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREEREQ GENED Engaged Learning & Interdisciplinary OUR/CBL HNRS BIS LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science & Technology AUSV/ATTC CEET CS MFET/ETM MET CMT DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts & Humanities MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business & Econ MBA MACC/ACTG BSAD FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MSAT MED CHF ATHL/AT HLTH/NUTR PE/PEP/REC EDUC Health Professions MHA MSN CLS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS/ASTR ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS/PHIL PSY SW/GERT SOC/ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2009 - 2010 Catalog |