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Show General Education Refer to pages 37-43 for either Bachdor of Science or Bachelor of Arts requirements. The following courses required for the Marketing Emphasis also will satisfy general education requirements: ENGL EN1010, ENGL EN2010 (English Composition); MATH QL1050 (Quantitative Literacy); ECON SS2010 or ECON SS2020 (Sodal Sdence); and BTNY LS1403 (Life Science). Course Requirements for BS or BA Degree John B. Goddard School of Business & Economics Requirements Liberal Support Curriculum (13 or 14) Business Foundations (13) BSAD 2899 Business Foundations Assessment (0) Business Cross-Functional Core (19) Business Fundional Core (15) Major Courses Required (21 credit hours) 1ST 3110 Info Technology for Bu siness (3) MGMT 3200 Managerial Communication (3) MKTG 3100 Consumer Behavior (3) MKTG 3200 Selling Sc Sales Management (3) BSAD SI3500 Intro to Business Research (3) MKTG 3450 Promotion Management (3) MKTG 4400 Marketing Strategy (3) Elective Courses (9 credit hours) BSAD 3600 [World Region] Business Sc Sodety (3) BSAD 4210 Survey of Business Law (3) BSAD 4500 Entrepreneurship (3) FIN 3400 Real Estate Principles Sc Practices (3) SCM 3720 Transportation and Global Supply Chain Management (3) SCM 4100 Quality Management (3) SCM SI4410 Materials Sc Inventory Management (3) SCM 4730 Purchasing and Supply Management (3) MKTG 3500 Retail Management (3) MKTG 3600 International Marketing (3) MKTG 4200 Internet Marketing (3) MKTG 4860 Marketing Internship (3) or BSAD 4680 Senior Consulting Project (3) COMM 3850 Advertising (3) MARKETING COURSES - MKTG MKTG 3010. Marketing Concepts and Practices (3) 5m, F, 5 This course includes planning, implementation, and control of the marketing process; consumer behavior; marketing research; segmentation and target marketing and consideration of price, place, and promotion. MKTG 3100. Consumer Behavior (3) 5m, F, 5 The application of psychological, sociological, and anthropological findings to the purchase and consumption of goods and services by ultimate and industrial consumers. Prerequisite or concurrent enrollment: Prerequisite: MKTG 3010. MKTG 3200. Selling and Sales Management (3) F, 5 Theory, methods, and techniques of personal sdling in professional settings induding analysis of buyer behavior, the delivery of customer satisfaction, and integration of personal selling with other marketing communication tools. Sales management includes managing the sales force, salesperson selection, deployment, compensation, training, field supervision and industrial marketing management. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010. MKTG 3450. Promotion Management (3) F, 5 Strategic development of advertising, sales, sales management, public rdations, and sales promotion programs. Prerequisites: Business Foundations, MKTG 3010. Prerequisite or concurrent enrollment: MKTG 3100. MKTG 3500. Retail Management (3) Consideration of issues concerning the establishment and management of retail institutions. Prerequisites: Business Foundations; MKTG 3010. MKTG 3600. International Marketing (3) 5 In this course students will leam the problems and procedures of marketing in fordgn countries, including effects of foreign cultures and marketing systems on the design of marketing programs. Prerequisites: Business Foundations; MKTG 3010. MKTG 3700. Business Studies Abroad - International Marketing (3) Basic prindples of international marketing. Fundamentals of international market research including macro and micro-level analysis. Discusses international marketing as part of a global strategy. This course is taught at Fachhochschule Hof, Germany during each fall semester. Students enrolled in this course have to participate in the Study Abroad Program (Contact: Doris Geide- Stevenson, ext. 7634, dgsteven@weber.edu). Prerequisite: Business Foundations, MKTG 3010. MKTG 4200. Internet Marketing (3) This course is an elective course for Information Systems Sc Technologies and Marketing majors. The course deals with the steps used in developing a marketing plan, orienting the plan to developing an Internet presence, and developing a World-Wide Web site to implement the on-line components of the plan. Prerequisites: Business Foundations, 1ST 3110, MKTG 3010. MKTG 4400. Marketing Strategy (3) F, 5 This course centers on gaining and sustaining competitive advantages. It entails analyzing customers, competitors, and internal capabilities; then making appropriate product, pricing, promotion, and distribution decisions. Prerequisites: Business Foundations; ACTG 2020; MGMT 3200; MKTG 3010. MKTG 4800. Independent Research (1-3) 5m, F, 5 Direded research and study on an individual basis. May be repeated until a total of 4 hours credit is accumulated. Prerequisites: Business Foundations; Senior Standing; Written Instructor Approval. MKTG 4860. Marketing Internship (3) 5m, F, 5 A structured professional-level field experience. The student will be counseled and supervised as he/she applies and integrates the knowledge and skills obtained through the Marketing courses. Prerequisites: Business Foundations; Senior Standing; Instructor approval. Business Administration Supply Chain Management Emphasis Business supply chain management as an area of emphasis allows students to focus thdr education on the "supply chain" of purchasing, producing, moving, and marketing goods and services on a global basis. The supply chain management major learns how to plan and manage a firm's production processes as wdl as the logistics of selecting suppliers, moving materials into a firm, and distributing finished product to customers. The disdpline involves industrial General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Engaged Learning S Interdisciplinary OUR/CBL HNRS BIS LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science S Technology AUSV/ATTC CEET CS MFET/ETM MET CMT DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts S Humanities MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business SEcon MBA MACC/ACTG BSAD FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MSAT MED CHF ATHL/AT HLTH/NUTR PE/PEP/REC EDUC Health Professions MHA MSN CLS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS/ASTR ZOOL Social S Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS/PHIL PSY SW/GERT SOC/ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2009 - 2010 Catalog |