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Show 270 DENT 4010. Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams (3) This course provides an interdisciplinary experience with the team concept as a priority. The students learn the role of the health care team members, each with their different skills and objectives. The course teaches students to practice an interdisciplinary approach as they research, interact and leam in the interdisciplinary environment of a health care setting. Cross-listed with HTHS and NRSG. DENT 4405. Dental Hygiene Clinical Teaching Practice (4) Supervised teaching in the Weber State Dental Hygiene program. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor and acceptance into the BS/DH major program. DENT 4410. Dental Hygiene Needs of the Geriatric Client (2) An overview of dental health needs of elderly clients. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and acceptance into the BS/DH major program. DENT 4530. Principles and Application of Evidence- based Dental Hygiene Practice (2) Emphasis is on the critical appraisal of scientific literature, the development of clinical problem statements and hypotheses and the formulation of a research proposal. Ethical issues inherent in the research process and the identification of appropriate hypothesis testing procedures will also be discussed. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the BS/DH program and completion of WSU Quantitative Literacy requirement. DENT SI4780. Baccalaureate Thesis (3) This course is designed to give dental hygiene students an opportunity to complete a thesis project in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the BS/DH major. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the BS/DH program, completion of the WSU Quantitative Literacy requirement and three (3) credit hours of course work meeting the scientific inquiry BS requirement. DENT 4800. Individual Research (1-3) Special project in a student's area of interest. DENT 4810. Summer Elective Clinic (4) Summer intensive clinical course which allows the student to set personal achievement goals for clinical techniques and assists them through the process of skill development. DENT 4830. Directed Readings, Projects and Research (1-3) Limited to dental hygiene majors. A maximum of nine hours may be accumulated with this course. DENT 4890. Advanced Community or Clinical Work Experience (2) This course is designed to specifically meet the interests and career goals of the student. The student must be licensed to practice dental hygiene at the site in which the work experience will take place, have successfully completed an accredited dental hygiene program, or have a work experience site that does not have direct patient care as its community role. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the BS/DH Program and consent of the instructor. DENT 4920. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-4) Consult the semester class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. DENT 4990. Seminar (1-2) Current concepts in dental hygiene for baccalaureate level dental hygiene students. DEPARTMENT Emergency Care and Rescue (EMT and Paramedic) Department Chair: Jeffrey Grunow, MSN, NREMT-P Location: Marriott Allied Health Building, Rm 409 Telephone Contact: Camille Safsten 801-626-6521 Assistant Professors: Rebekah Dickinson, MPAS, PA-C, Jeff Grunow, MSN, NREMT-P; Instructor: Cynthia Belnap, BSN, FNS Medical Advisor: Jon Apfelbaum, M.D. A paramedic is a person who renders advanced life support to persons at the site of an illness or injury or en route to a hospital facility. They function under the direct supervision of an Emergency Physician or Registered Nurse and are certified for such functioning by state Emergency Medical Services agency. The institutional certificate and two-year applied science degree program in Emergency Care and Rescue (Paramedic) is based on a curriculum designed to provide an academic background in science, health related fields, and communication. The program prerequisites provide the general requirements and foundation that prepares the student to meet the demands of the paramedic classes. Satisfactory completion of the prerequisite requirements are required prior to starting the paramedic sequence and include: 1) a "C" or better in English EN1010, Math ND0960, Anatomy and Physiology classes, and Medical Terminology; 2) an overall GPA of 2.7 or above; and 3) Current EMT-Basic Certification; and 4) a score of 75% or better on the departmental EMT assessment exam. The longstanding Utah Bureau of EMS requiring one year of EMS experience or EMT-Intermediate has been relaxed. Eligible students may wish to consider PAR 1005 and 1006 to gain EMS field experience. This program may require more than two years for completion depending upon the timing it takes for an individual to obtain their work experience and/or prerequisites. Weber State contracts with authorized agencies to train their employees for paramedic certification. Emergency Care and Rescue (Paramedic) associate of applied science degree (aas) » Program Prerequisite: Acceptance to the program. See the Admission Requirements listed below. » Grade Requirements: "C" or better in all prerequisite courses, with a minimum GPA of 2.7. All courses with the PAR prefix must be passed with a "B-" or better in order for a student to progress through the paramedic program sequence. » Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 60-63 credit hours is required for graduation - 36 of these are required within the program. Three upper division credit hours (HLTH 3400) are required within the program. Advisement Emergency Care and Rescue students must meet with the Dumke College of Health Professions academic advisor prior to application. Call 801-626-6136 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Admission Requirements Students are eligible to apply for admission to the Emergency Care and Rescue (Paramedic) program upon completion of the following: 1. Making application to Weber State University 2. Obtaining admissions counseling by a Dumke College of Health Professions advisor Weber State University 2009 - 2010 Catalog |