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Show Arts, Letters and Science Physics 51, 52, 54 Physics 54, 55, 56 Geology 61, 62, 63 Geology 22 Engineering 1, 2, 3 Humanities or Soc. Sci. Sophomore College Physics College Physics Lab. Mineralogy, Petrology Historical Geology Engin. Dr., Descriptive Geom. Selected 4 4 4 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 2 6 2 6 16 16 16 Geology 150, 110, 105 Geology 140 Geology 195 Botany 2 Chemistry 51, 52 German 1, 2, 3 Philosophy 120 Group Electives Junior Paleontology, Struct. Geology., Geomorph Field Methods Special Problems Principles of Botany Quantitative Analysis Elementary German Philosophy of Democracy Selected 5 3 5 4 4 1 17 17 17 Economics 1, 2 Chemistry 131 Geology 115 Geology 120 Geology 162 Geology 185 Geology 190 Geography 104 Electives U.D. Senior Principles of Economics 3 Organic Chemistry 5 Aerial Photo Interpretation 3 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation Mineral Deposits Geological Literature 1 Seminar 1 Cartography Selected 3 1 3 10 4 5 16 17 17 130 Arts, Letters and Science Department of History Joseph M. Dixon, Chairman Professors, Harold C. Bateman, Dello G. Dayton; Associate Professors, Joseph M. Dixon, Donald R. Moorman, Richard O. Ulibarri, George F. Williams; Assistant Professor, Jerome Bernstein; Instructors, James L. Kimball, Richard C. Roberts. The history offerings are designed to: 1. Provide adequate programs to prepare teachers for the elementary and secondary schools, 2. Provide a substantial preparation for students who plan to do graduate work, and 3. Provide courses which contribute to the general education of all students. History courses used to help satisfy Area Requirements will not be counted toward the required hours for the history majors and minors. Students who receive "D" grades in history courses cannot have these courses counted for the history majors or minors. Students can take either History 5 or History 10 and 11 for credit, not both. Students majoring or minoring in history who transfer from another institution and who intend to graduate from Weber State College will be required to take, in the case of a minor, at least one class, and in the case of the major, at least two classes at Weber State College. These classes must be taken during the four quarters immediately preceding graduation. History Departmental Major—Students planning to obtain a Bachelor of Arts (Bachelor of Science) degree with a departmental or a teaching major in history, are required to have at least 45 quarter hours of satisfactory work in history, including History 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, and 199, and 21 hours of upper division work selected in consultation with the adviser. History majors are encouraged to take History 127 or 128. History majors are required to take Political Science 1. It is strongly recommended that students who plan to work for an advanced degree in history study a foreign language during the undergraduate years. History Departmental Minor—Departmental minors will be required to have at least twenty hours in history including History 1, 2, 3, and at least eight additional quarter hours of upper-division credits, preferably in the field of U.S. History. Departmental minors should also take Political Science 1. History Teaching Major—Same requirements as History Departmental Majors, plus History 127 or 128. 131 |