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Show 330 4. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS TRACK Required Upper Division Mathematics Courses (18 credit hours) Complete 6 of the following courses MATH 3410 Probability and Statistics (3) MATH 3550 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (3) MATH 3710 Boundary Value Problems (3) MATH 3 730 Partial Differential Equations (3) MATH 3750 Dynamical Systems (3) MATH 3810 Complex Variables (3) MATH 4610 Numerical Analysis (3) MATH 4620 Numerical Analysis (3) Electives (at least 22 credit hours) Complete at least an additional 22 credit hours of upper division Mathematics or upper division courses from the Engineering Technology programs. At least 6 of these credit hours must be outside of Mathematics. 5. ACTUARIAL/FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS TRACK Required Upper Division Mathematics Courses (15 credit hours) MATH 3410 Probability and Statistics (3) MATH 3420 Probability and Statistics (3) and three of the following courses MATH 3550 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (3) MATH 3710 Boundary Value Problems (3) MATH 3 730 Partial Differential Equations (3) MATH 4610 Numerical Analysis (3) Electives (at least 25 credit hours) Complete at least an additional 25 credit hours of upper division Mathematics courses or courses from the list below offered by the John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics: ACTG 3110 Intermediate Financial Accounting I (3) ACTG 3120 Intermediate Financial Accounting II (3) ECON 3030 Managerial Economics (3) ECON 4010 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3) ECON 4020 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (3) ECON 4550 Introduction to Econometrics (3) ECON 4560 Mathematical Economics (3) FIN 3200 Financial Management (3) FIN 3300 Investments (3) FIN 4400 Financial Problems - Corporate Finance (3) MGMT 3010 Organizational Behavior and Management (3) MKTG 3010 Marketing Concepts and Practices (3) QUAN SI3610 Business Statistics II (3) 6. NATURAL/LIFE SCIENCES TRACK Required Upper Division Mathematics Courses (12 credit hours) MATH 3410 Probability and Statistics (3) MATH 3550 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (3) MATH 3710 Boundary Value Problems (3) or MATH 3750 Dynamical Systems (3) MATH 4610 Numerical Analysis (3) Electives (at least 28 credit hours) Complete at least an additional 28 credit hours of upper division courses in Botany, Mathematics, Microbiology or Zoology. At least 6 of these credit hours must be outside of Mathematics. Course Requirements for Mathematics Teaching BS or BA Degree Mathematics Courses Required (48 credit hours) MATH SI1210 Calculus I (4) MATH SI1220 Calculus II (4) MATH 2110 Foundations of Algebra (3) or MATH 4110 Modern Algebra I (3) MATH 2120 Euclidean Geometry (3) MATH 2210 Calculus III (4) MATH 2270 Elementary Linear Algebra (3) MATH 2280 Ordinary Differential Equations (3) MATH 2410 Foundations of Probability and Statistics (3) or MATH 3410 Probability and Statistics (3) MATH 3050 History of Mathematics (3) (or any other upper division course that is not otherwise required) MATH 3120 Foundations of Euclidean & non-Euclidean Geometry (3) MATH 3160 Number Theory (3) MATH 4210 Intro Real Analysis (3) MTHE 3010 Methods & Technology for Teaching Secondary Mathematics (3) MTHE 4010 Capstone Mathematics for High School Teachers I (3) MTHE 4020 Capstone Mathematics for High School Teachers II (3) Support Courses Required (5-10 credit hours) Complete either PHYS PS/SI2210 Physics for Scientists & Engineers (5) or CHEM PS/SI1210 Principles of Chemistry (5) & CHEM SI1220 Principles of Chemistry (5) A student must also complete requirements for a secondary education licensure as determined by the Jerry and Vickie Moyes College of Education. Mathematics departmental honors Please contact the Mathematics Department for advisement and permission prior to enrolling in Honors courses. » Program Prerequisite: Enroll in General Honors Program and complete at least 6 hours of General Honors courses. » Grade Requirements: Maintain an overall GPA of 3.3 and a mathematics GPA of 3.3. » Credit Hour Requirements: Fulfill the requirements for the departmental Mathematics major (regular emphasis) and some extras, including MATH 4910 and 9 hours of upper division Mathematics courses taken for Honors credit, i.e.: MATH SI1210,1220, 2210,2270, 2280, 4110, 4120, 4210, 4220 plus 15 more hours of upper division mathematics courses (grades of "C" or better required). Nine of the upper division hours must be for Honors credit. and Complete MATH 4910 Senior Research Project and Complete Physics PS/SI2210 and SI2220 and Complete a minor and Complete general education requirements The requirements for honors courses will include all the regular course assignments plus some extra work which will vary with the course and the instructor, but it could include writing a paper, doing an extra project, doing extra readings and reporting on them, and/or giving a talk to the class (or in some other forum). The extra part of the course will be a significant assignment. Weber State University 2009 - 2010 Catalog |