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Show Arts, Letters and Science 15, 21, and Theatre Arts 40, 51, 60, 62, and either Speech 185 or Theatre Arts 185. WEBER STATE THEATRE PROGRAM Play Production—Play production at Weber State College is under the administrative guidance of the School of Arts, Letters and Sciences and is sponsored directly by the Department of Theatre Arts. Theatre Season—A season of plays is presented each year which includes offerings in both proscenium and flexible production. Plays in the proscenium theatre combine the acting talents and services of both college and community people. Those in the Cellar Theatre are the result of student workshop activity and are largely devoted to educational and experimental works not available in commercial theatre. Six plays are offered each year: one each quarter in the proscenium theatre and one each quarter in the Cellar Theatre. Other plays, prepared as an outgrowth of work in directing classes are also presented to invited audiences. In addition to class assignments, students are encouraged to prepare student-directed plays to encourage participation and development of potential actors and directors. Outstanding student-directed plays are presented in the Winter and Spring. The Weber State College Theatre summer program has recently been expanded to include offerings in the Fine Arts Theatre, in addition to a play for children, produced in collaboration with the Ogden City and Weber County Recreation Departments, presented in parks throughout the city and county. Special activities are often included in the program such as plays prepared for tour during the spring for presentation to school audiences in the Ogden and immediate area, and plays prepared for presentation throughout the state and beyond. Courses of Instruction 005. Summer Theatre Workshop—Play production on laboratory basis. High School students eligible on terminal credit basis. All registration by approval of instructor. Su (1-2.) Staff 5. Theatre Appreciation—Critical appreciation and enjoyment of live theatre, motion pictures, and television from an audience point of view. Designed for the non-major. Credit not allowed if student has satisfactorily completed Theatre Arts 40. Allows humanities area credit. A W S (3) Staff Arts, Letters and Science 10. Voice Fundamentals—Mechanics of voice production and word utterance for better functioning of voice, articulation, enunciation, and pronunciation. A W (3) Staff 13. Vocal Technique—Specialized training in vocal reading techniques for the Theatre Arts and Speech major. Emphasis on preparation for performance and application to specific career areas. W (3) Staff 14. Stage Reading—Application of vocal skills to stage and reader's theatre experience. Little known, difficult, or experimental dramatic works will be used to challenge and develop vocal artistry. S (3) Staff 30. Principles of Stage Movement—(formerly Theatre Arts 50) Introduction to the concept of stage movement and deportment. Stress is placed upon sensory development and pantomime. A W S (3) Elzey 33. Stage Fencing and Combat—History and Execution— A study of the history and use of weapons from the Ancient through Modern periods. A W S (1) Elzey 37. Theatre Ballet (Formerly Theatre Arts 31)—Essentials of ballet as it relates to theatrical production. Laboratory sessions geared to preparation for current Theatre productions. A W S (3) Staff 40. Introduction to Theatre—Critical appreciation, development of background values, and enjoyment of live theatre productions. Credit not allowed if student has satisfactorily completed Theatre Arts 5. Primarily for majors and minors in the Theatre Arts, or Speech and Theatre Arts. Students will participate in preparation of current Weber State Theatre Productions. Allows Humanities Area credit. A W S (3) Staff 51. Basic Acting: Beginning—A study of principles and techniques of stage and studio acting. Emphasis on development of acting skills. A (3) Staff 52. Basic Acting: Intermediate—Continuation study of principles and techniques of stage and studio acting. W (3) Staff 53. Basic Acting: Advanced—Continuation study of principles and techniques of stage and studio acting. S (3) Staff 60. Principles of Makeup—Makeup theory and practice. Students assigned to current plays as makeup assistants. One 3-hour laboratory-lecture weekly. A W (2) Sharp, Crosland 62. Stage Craft (Formerly Theatre Arts 65)—Principles of technical theatre, including an introduction to scene design and lighting. A (3) Sharp 190 191 |