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Show BEN HIGH Sept. 19 10, at A faces tJ “ { eo ' Luh tmnt toe \} i 2 ge ‘ i ~! no | KE) ) NUMBER ere ‘ SCHOOL 1971 ‘ VOLUMN LOMOND @qcbnecon tun =. \ ‘ \y from a I felt Here re 211 Lomond time, he eat- roaming cool! the is\not we lost losing bad, what that it in Let's a wo is so losing is develop all of us show up a tonight High School at 8:00 team that we care. and Californin, Gabriel as a is Mrs. Emmett sen Street. ety es\ \ \ oH “ con- yo. ; ee strangers Pe) ct Pasgy confesses que ambition ~ she an astronaut. rect feel of Mr. and 905 Jack- to a rather uniwould love to be 4 e ‘~. NY ks eas ~ ote . “stm sa hbandiy a : Sa i SA, omen, ASO wer eee z do are week a fy / / r { {4 vy 4 \\ \ { i AUR. Fa ae es = , oe é i 4 / , 4 ‘ é ate a picce of chalk.” - EDITOR'S ‘ ~~ a\ NOTE: —— . 2 ; ee The newsp2pe wish the stift would i te a Frieni~ If you do it! you to he ‘ ~y / s a ae * j Feotball Team ‘ § ' i Ete Coaches { ee ae he { \ \ Ee wrap yourself in a proteclittice shell to block cut the ' i LANE | 4 Are? fet } foe ” f. ‘ St ik ee ep dg her while The Highlander would like to wish Pegey and her guide Dog a very good year at Ben Lonend this year. { . oN { Gabriel don't worry, oo re any pet but "Please be careful what you drop because he eats anything. Last } i 4 ae MS 9 A don't sne 2 ~ AN 4a _ %®., oP 5 aR Rg” Ce ge yee 2 { hy be AF. "Please 7; ~ questioned Pessy, following answers: we are walking, won't bite.” ~ ce Satna BOW dos weyBA a“ ~ Mom ~ aor ak ‘Nowy here’ advice to ore's some new.students or sophenmores who not think Ben Lomond students friendly. a the daughter J. Deeran of When wo gave us the ograr . as ae ce FOE Smile? Tal to people: liness is a.two way dcal. want tc t2lk to someone, Mayta they're waiting for mala the first move. learning to work with well-balanced team. want them them 199 to DOr eSpt. € a to first. CHCInY tht Iz attitucc. Stranger. You Friendly Fighting Scots know how to make 2 person if she belongs. Thanks: tm: aed ned The 17 year old junior just finished spending fcur weeks at Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.,fSan Rafael bring what? ehout thrt Sei ly as s> itsclf seems at Weber show our right one, is so tad the exceedingly in order that they a victory tonight. Okay, of with 2 handsome golden Deg named Gabriel. at f) hard start have members worked re~ year ra} ry h rt @ Q 9 ¢? to have Deegan this 3 me to a complete surprised to a ig i493) ~” Oo courage it's a new sidekick, retriever Guide wav? Peggy Lomond DOG Q, speak. they'd SYM» scared, with individual Ben CUIDE ) Rh was tho ry 3 OQ Oo 6s up versation I the toward When you're huil¢d The foothall pessimistic find the student to ct soutaalé ?) iD 1 i) YW QO ros dent ell Honor turned our “s* I'd kids hard home really - support I was emezine thine happened. Pat ett When I got confused, someone came up to me and asked where I was suppose¢ to be, and then smilingly me in the right direction. pointec That's team to om 1,799 football reacy 1) Surely, the High members you STUDENT RECIEVES two. This means and student > scared! en alive by the halls. Ben first team Are number -et really I saw the game Scots? © when for is, ready Scots, body. Then, it you ct When I moved to Ogden tiny little town in Oregon, sort of lost and scared. School a Mad = 4 Z4 } a, LAN oe wf anc like |