OCR Text |
Show Graduation 7 tee Weg W Ben Tangnde Hig seniors May 25° at. Begining) at 8* ram pecan 2F the Tom Yesterday. ee president,,. will . offer* thee school symphonic band w the. prelude. and processiggal, Scott. Chambers, student vocation, and"the, we “Dubinushkay a5 I : ary Fs oOo ay Hart, Mark Tewisy Les: Alan | {soa 495 yuoysises | Nelson, Sho soy “Suiuso? ea Nai. Alan. “Dale 1 Mortis. hn Hamblin, Merrill A. Daniel and Eugene Nield Hart. Elton - Moulton, To Address Class C 7 RErREY Tess “MOU 41 Sis Mau pud plo Jo pusg ayisinbxa IDyL * oo 1418 aur $F 563 Sey Kraft, Debra Joie Laloli, Terri Layne,g and Bonnie Gaye a Phillis Alvera Martinez. Joyce Wana yl Ann og ene Susan Moss, - Martiaer, Pauline. ade Kfistin| Lenora Kaye! Gay. Paulsen,’ Pagano, , Debra Jean Murray, Jill ‘ay, Patricia Murray, Ye nington, (Lavender), M orris, Vicki Almina Nol Nye, . -and- Connie aryanne Patrieia. Marie Medina, Terese Ann Mester, Mary Ellen Miller, a Joy Miller, Carla Dawn Minor Bea ebra Marilyn Montierth, orris | _ (Wells) and, | : ehee Morris. iis. Sandra Lorraine ® Elaine Leicht, “Penny B Lewis, Leydsman, |Kae ‘Margaret a: = Wesley Scott Nett Niel;soiq p20!ou aanoap > no P Sadi Knight, 1 wospuny ett SHE Oe Ann wel Thompson. yo 4441S SO214d D ULULIM nee ey WOJ} S}Se4) 41094 jee/ jo JNO Bay) “UD & y °° * swoy dy} S}DIS Sidney Jet: Repyaie ‘anise Stott,George, 214 al ay} edcnne ip pud ‘papogpoay pun jseyd : 101 Welling Macfarlane, Brent Alan|Thaddeus St. Wks. Ae §Jorome Lawrence Anthony , re ino pus Se 1a Ayyois si ysiuty uros6 4aujoM P Maddock 4paq ynguynne Andrew Maier, | Stromberg, Michael | Comba i104 Buijee4 snoiods p pud 40CMaes, Thomas ae ‘Bingham ‘Taggart. oS €, ie en ia “AIS as Siyy arlb ‘saspq 194d{e14s IN} Clifford, a an ysINt aNVOT SS Foley Marchant, Lynn Jeffrey z. qaunidin ae Pea wv UVINIT IWOSGNVH HLIM HSI Martine Telford, Martinez, | Keith Samuel Ronald ee Gera a ; k fe a 7, ‘Thomas Martinez, Michael eis Ee —. eis ae c ede Teuscher Rand Matejka, C. Maylin, Thedell, Rona , Joseph Per Shane| Wesley Wayneoa ie s Brent Facer nichaslean Thomas, William = pete Leon Minor, Edward Thomas ;)Thoma s, Ranay and James Scott and ae say) ney 6 dajiad aut |