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Show 4 | } j wai deiaca lassie ae The Student Council meetings whall be held as often as deemed necessary by the Student Body President and the Advisor. to discuss problems of the school. A Sections for petition signed by ARTICLE VI AMENDMENTS an amendment one-fifth of to this members the COnectLtution of the Student be muct’ Body ana then must be vocted The amendment approved by the faculty. The final t:ken. is amendment a vote on the one week before Body. Student the of shall be by 2 trro-thirds vote possaze Article ae section Section Section Section Article: ats Section AHL ‘UIST JR. HIGH SCHOOL BY-LAS Procedure in Student Council meetings: Two-thirds of the enrollment shsll constitute a quorum. 1: The order of buginecs in Student Council meetings sholl at new old business, Roll call, minutes, be ss follows: adjournment. business, n, The minutes of the previous Student Associstion vrogra 3; other all and gs, minutes of the Student Council meetin Student Association activities meetings shall be re~ at corded by the secret ry, unless otherwise provided the Student Council meetings. ve Tt shall be the duty of each Home Room reoresent.ti kh. to make a report to his room the next school day foldelowing > Student Council meeting and give complete g. meetin the in toils of what was discussed Committees: he following committees consisting of three or more L members shall be appointed after a complete org 7nization of the Student Council to serve for one semester only, but may be reappointed. ap-~ A Program Committee whose duty it is to arrange and ation prove of all programs for regular Student Associ assemblies. 4 Club Coumittee whose duty shall be to act in an adin visory and supervisory way to the Student Council the matter All members npproved by of club conducting of committees shrll faculty advisors. A MENDMENT Section 1: Section 2: Recuirewents for xctivities. be yassed on and I eligibility. In order to represent our school in any competitive a student muct maintain passing with other schools, and disvlry good citizenship at all times. Eligibility Committee concerning Bbhigepility determined by shell be Counselors, Student any student a committee Body Officers, activity grades activities in interschool of the Principal, composed and Stucent Body Advisor. 1.. |