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Show 1. President’s report. (Insert certificates of achievement, photographs of P.T.A.’s officers and chairmen, photos of special activities of executive board, etc.) 2. Vice-president’s report. 3. Secretary and treasurer reports. (Include budget and financial statement.) 4. Chairmen reports. (A report from each chairman the first year. The following years any special activity or project of a chairmanship given special notice. Otherwise, general coverage is made in the president’s report.) Note: It might be well to appoint a faculty member to cover activities in which faculty and P.T.A. committees worked jointly. Some school activities could be included and might include: 1. Pictures of principal, faculty, custodian, nurse, clerk. A brief story could accompany each photo if desired. 3. Pictures and/or stories of special events commemorating school history. 4. Pictures, if possible, brief story, names of students in activities such as glee club, color guard, milk helpers, etc. safety patrol, news editors, bugle corps, bell girls, and These activities may vaty but each local P.T.A. and school should have enough special projects and school activities to make an interesting book. Each historian will have her own ideas as to ways of touching up the book with sketches, etc., if desired. An art teacher or student might be called on to help with this activity. Many locals have a teacher or historian. If historians set up a plan of work and present it at the first executive meeting of the year, each officer and chairman will know well in advance what is expected where the history book is concerned. Reports should be written by the officers and chairmen and handed to the historian for copying. The new type binder is inexpensive, practical, easily compiled, and easily read. Some locals are purchasing extra binders for the publicity chairman to use for news clippings thus eliminating them from the history book. These binders will be attractive additions to the P.T.A. bookshelf. The history of each local reflects a complete, concise, picture of that unit, its officers and chairmen, their activities and accomplishments. Prepared by Mrs. Wilmer Barlow 92 |