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Show f "KEP WAHL.UIsT CONTEST CLEAN" SCHOOL PERSOwALITIOS BRETT The "Keep Wahligquist Jlean" contest has been iropping down since it began on February 19. We should try to resume the contest and make a real good effort to keep Wahlquist clean. Let's try to keep the standards of Wahlquist up by improving the looks of our school. After the past locker checks, it was figured that the girls were ahead of the boys for keeping their lockers clean. .But on the chart in the show case, the boys are a few points ahead of the girls. It's a close contcst., but we could all doa LlittLe better. LIBRARY The new library may be opened early in April. On the shelves are two hundred new books bringing the,total to three thousand. If you notice any half filled shelves, it is because the library has a capacity of twice aS many. Sharing it with the books will be language tape and filmstripse Classes will be conducted through the library Dorm tie Tairst oot e of weeks that it is in use. Books can only be checked. out one ata time.for. the first few wecks. Your cooperation will bé greatly appreciated in keeping the library and it's equipment and books in good condition, wOHOves COSTLEY Brett Costley is the president of the Boys Association this year. Brett makes his home in North Ogden’) :oThe foods that please him are _ Chow Mein, Shrimp, Pizza and other spicy foods. Navy blue is the color that he likes best. When he was asked what girl he liked he said S.H. Besides girls, Brett likes all sports, and Speaking about sports he likes track, basketball and skiing. Plans of the association in. the future .are: a assembly that is comthe Mother ing shortly, and Sons Party and WThere will be a . Daye meeting in the BOB spring. has no real girls, but. collecting ing interest in he docs like rocks, rais- animals and eatings. . all soda pope Bob is a great lover OL Spore, nese Of ald he likes fishing, huntjudo, wrestling, Tee tumbling and haseball. He's looking forward the meeting an’ the Spring and W-Day. He said "the association has fore alot the of Wahl events year atime is quist be- out. ° The 9% gradors were faced with the big problem of ré¢gistration for the coMing yeay gt Weber High. “EhereUwere so many classes to pick from it was diPfiaealt to decide, but .I \guess the new 7t graders had just about as many problems, The administration will jpmobablysbde faced with the biggest problem of all. It has been estimated that at least one thousand students will be enrolled in Washlquist Junior High School next-year. END Bob makes his home. in-.° Wilson. The foods he likes best are steak and Oriental food and above to Wil? G8 Ou Wath science, wnghish or what? Many dccisions like these were made the week of February 19% by the students er KAWA Girls, do .you, Know the vice president of the Boys Association? He has no interest in girls. Yes - Bob Kawa gov. a ON OF THE On March efforts of Ti£RM dee abive another 9 weeks of school will be known. That is the day thet report the, Out again» the term 16%, fatefud cards will come ditnough cnds almost. on the another weck will be needed te collect. Eha information and UP. get th. Mt, Quayler curds, ot made your mother has a package delivered C.0O.eD. what do the initials stand for? Douglas H: "Coal. on Daddye . |