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Show The the Last priday January 12, the term ended. this will come assembly week/ are not only important to the ninth graders but to the seventh and eighth grad-~ ers as well. In the lower Junior High grades we need to make good marks for credits to graduate from Wahlquist. So get with it one 1's kids, class,) STAFF hditor=-Susan Hill Managing Editor-Nanc Costley , Sports nogers, Editor-Mike Ethel Goff Society~Robert Buckley, Susan Andrews Columnist-Sue Coletti, Hlaine Haven News-Anne Groberg, John Martin Organization-Janice Knight Art Editor~Libby Tinker a day of lot humerous of equipment needs, ; { BREATHE for There's their a stage for tthe many special skits that get put on to further help with the studies, Mr Caldwell got all ready to plow out with his students and then realized that he didn't have to move. He now has his own room and is really happy about it. We are really happy about the new building and new equipment. — Let's keep it new and nice all the rest of the year and future years. recding, The human brain is 2 wonderful thing, It starts working the moment you wake up in the morning and doesn't stop until you 2re called on in 2 class, TC Ltiveu Find your teachers really excited, you'll know that they probably have new equipment to work with in their new classrooms. Our team teachers are really excited because they have a neat setup for their work. their rooms are equipped with the lastest grade the melodettes, and the other acts were also very good, The script was written by Karen Kump and Brent Miller. With the help of the officers, Terry Hancock, Royce Derricott, and RneDean Hancock plus the help of the committe, which consisted of, Lynnette Shaw, Mary Thompson, Jerry Burns, and LaMar Taylor. The assembly turned out successful. get some good grades on that report card, An apple might help (bansanas..in made the ninth people happy. But at Wahlquist Junior High, it was a2 sad day. The water was leaking onto the stage making it necessary to cancel the assembly. The next day the roof was still leaking so they put a sponge in the middle of the stage and the show went on. The Show was to find out who h-d the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Ann Thompson won the contest with a dramatic re-ding. Dovid, Brimhal- out What does the term ending mean? It means more than @ quarter for each A and a lecture for each F, To the ninth graders the grades we receive will go on our college records and determine if we do go to college. Grades on planned ROOM «' CO-ED The Wahlquist Junior High homemaking department is proud to announce the Co-Ed correspontents for this year. They are Ann Thompson and Susan Coletti, These two girls fill out questionaires throughout the year the Co-Ed Magazine, The * Grades snow ASSEMBLY questionaires for con- tain information about our school and the girls personal lives. Am. ENDS GRADE ree TERM NINTH a em ee THE BRAT - NWS |