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Show ag UST Octsocr 23, 1959 fo MEET THE NEW CLaSS scventh PYcese VPS. BoB Susi ary Vows, Pano V. Volletti, ice, EQout offie inoupson. inforeu.bion OFFICERS Grade heres soins tne , beothor, make and those her & gure sIlcisant sweet went to girl. vunlouist Vvunarc. “nd wary lives in Nes oretcy red: mie Has tiarren, lair, different boy- fricnds. watci: out, she's « cheruer! The a. president. in sister ten hag ..«¢é're lives is who Know vloin and «© g900d ousehn Vie. 2n farm, edvisors boys, for the 7th grade this year ere ix. 2d&nson and i:r. iredrickSoy. Lots of duck winth Grade srio lave you ever met gcnber of tuc Crapo 2 Ltls tic class officers brown-syed niath grede JEnnis SAE gs «cM Sighs devia .etterSon, Vice prcs.; und rindee whew, S6Ge 4It you weadk down the hall and see a brownecyed & durlling you've ose Of guy or gal porsonality, provavly seen Or tric. with then a mene Hey, Bighta Griaers? 8 about’ sone inside infor..ation on your new class officers: "They ups: Jerry veterson: WULRGENG Sede, Tigh your asia Of course advisors, ra ya Orde omes,, Ve. pres.,. Joe Janice chil- you .rs. ell know Ledingnan uo, Jerzy is « tyoical student, as nis fu.vorite classes ere onop, syoivend Luneweo! His hovbies «ere uorses, horses and more waorses. He rides in his Soare tine, und wnat would he wish for if he ned. ade wish? other woes » of gourde, JOG LS in "ideal" student ineas-much us he likes school, ia Nien grades, and doesn't Slike anytuing about school, aeaue COO iuch Nowework,. Toe is 5'2" tell (measure up, os Guin hefll & ee Lives on girl: als favorite sudjects are math, History, 100 s@ienuce. His «goal tuls yecr is to eset on the biasKetball tec. dtI GG mia. ies tho Sweet persoluulity, who coues fi wilson. wohe has light brown Heir and gray-gEreen eyes. uer hobbies are softbell, piano pliying ana buoy sitting. in JOO Gity |