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Show Ale : + Si bey by Ge 6 ees TR ey & ny PF ; va ee Ns : Ee HT Ear , tea ae 7 ‘s eGese i “ne a in speech ney | . ee ecg ts / 4f he f cnet class is “ones given that Students here filled fortunate children overseas. ‘rey were where trey sent he will crippled them. 7 un- 30 of them. and are gift aun trint met ‘ae ) ey ng tie ats very 3h ent. fee ere TOUD feature na noiuse ie Wher. Be night yut Nahljuist, “te uinuel pecty. Plans nade Oy Rays! osoelntion are OS for the boys Toole: fath £9,ers come: back to oe oe own ner: invite. acheoi for now being officers. si oy’ Me ey ole living '> only tee Evie. ie eee wtree: tb Have without nazfé frozen, Renee some Aras weak four from have | 3 3 as SOE thought yon it’ can in 2 doorwa) hunger y wo ndé-*- next mea: these" ares some piople oye ths | ever you cricture yourself: huddled ing where Me vedas LLY Oe sioictat lsu oe whe iife would.be et teribie. is cooking ae °- igi uskit. mcbher'ts ape TyjJ- “ate-ence Pervary and GIVES. ra hcw takes sun--Not every hut your freedom?- Spor ? ay 30 Mme y 3 =. What Tidon tt have so roads ur elp sunshine to prow. Pha the:Jmu- ; Pe thers! ane! Gons 3 tee! tos users Loanely. us en eae “ te td my the -veniur direction sf NS litt them? hotece--He Taylov--The warm have rrogrom, it) will of fioere, ene on nt is Nf Ghristmas for. ‘ = ee { Ce ey Gibsen--My Sue Sonnte 4 cf will be Or. December ‘clstmes programe:/ Under ae ea Oe country 4t } . night exert Iwas must be They do without the ceartstrings. lige .T.A. accident life irci-bho we ‘would ot a ry Le one 3197. Jensén—Grandparents——-They Richard are they where ) past your ap aa; for me walk, of sion ‘itr included “when Wé are Sick 6r in trouble. reeded, : & sub- : deaf. Ponna to San Francisco’ quoted wher geve ber thoug’t. he Baieiar ue reabesk are boxes about way to oratect. abave ’ but now sent to headquarters their on ly probab on the. can't Re is a perfect time Ghristmas resting an Accident injured my eye,hut tavtnnate y it was net serious yy Karlene Whd tow Parent know people wiry ly for Christmas, real send ‘if well, each year Mayone Waodhury rue Ne Ansa Boxes oe ae and int cemes Sarai: ‘Lalli—ty “>. fi11 a ject. Cabaiy BE sis dat ot talk I ete \\ a season ip ae little gro SO eR mE : whey 're as Here are some overfthe inter=eom today. On the other thoughts. There were mam 7 scat’. t Thanksgiving oe Ls (OR. on af Een: FINE jee a | 5 : oress ae eh meee . red cokitt Od fb4 bo ste eg fie 4 ¢ Nenleuist ( \ ee tenga ae ar, : shige tens @ ge woh tN ABM Led Pe of yon Ni pate “ie wip ih Pe My erevoe + ( hi was of: Se to go throus:. appreciate ‘mv fr edo! coming 7° es i a |