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Show SERIE TE SRE EIS SE OTE ET RE TS AOA MOREE HS OTE RAR TY NRSRIMFA tS eetoe ES TGs Be Vo pete - Ty VOLUME .E - NUMBER PT OE I RR ae RO NS MRT ce Se ees thy iat Letts § OO Go : : i ; tS ES 3 * % be eg Be)s A py ee : \ es De 4 gS d Mr. Gale was born Myre . from , you to industrial Before Mr. Gale Ringer on came to au Hill Wahlquist Mr, Gale can play is fo ont “School The Helen the of characters Oaks, LeAnn Nash, Deanna Ray Ward, Jim March. | a ie week then the air was sched— training it was to He. was. a force. at head for reser~ oe see a Movie ; 6th, Grant and Martha, Scott had. the leads and the setting was colonial America, king's taxation are now under— director with | February ©... | includes: Kay Carl for It also ees -— the month with two great. in ite. Rhees, “Polio Ells— Smith,— sect and laws, showed parts of the Revolutioriary War. It was especially appropriate for the Drive The “50146 drive Robert Precise spec Maurine Cheney. The play is schedules 22nd of and When he left unit On, ‘Tuesday afternoon, Sabruary owen": inks Parker, Carley, his The show told of the resentment and indifference of the colonists to the Allen, Geniel Wyatt, chance students and faculty members saw a movie, "The Howards. of Virginia". Cary Cast nLattle Crook.is worth, Antoinette and crooner. as‘her assistant. A cast. Harold piano, = but and- rehearsals Mrs. Call the some Mrs: Ringer says that this dine. he nape to eee on the arenes served aoe Play is Schoey: Stay been. cast way. 15th, Field, Texas. vist in with the United States Marines in the Pacific for three years. — oa Service still the. service. We going ihe: adhideky ‘ie into is a omits : Before Mr. into Field Kelley ne was teaching at the Adams elemen— ! tary school in Logan but he will stay here unless Mr. Ringer is. able to come : back. Goes there February uled-for raised. ain’ He is. married and has three including a pair of twins. Ogden, girls, Ringer Atthough ° ‘ a ‘ that he will receive a deferment, it appears that Uncle Sam has taken Mr, wire and : i Review! y ib shop new graduates. Te was. i oe Var, the mes mau jorm atid: a) mmis Ayts ~ he ‘Month ct a ade pea Ie be Ua et mdveas- wih an U<S.k.U. | : introduces as Gales W. Lewie Se Fs erage Oy, haven't < Ist teacher : Seeee 4 a eve you tase = eS pended In Peer go 4 ee a : : hen chet ok edi ce ie < a \ are j ji j Oe Prd Few Wee etI Be em oe 5a at | \ ag he a | “ el ae ae, mt ifn f j He {cag 4 a oe ey Wet he 3 aly eh Wh. > Aaaoe. al | i cS. | aediik February ¢ 28, aos. me i, ” bot i br ae ; 2 i : ie CR aL me ih ; me cy e| mA eres ne Toe @ . ; f Ld site x ae hs print % = Se ~ ais Be ‘ \ : Eins we ee ee | [4 beat py uw eee Oke i e ap Rg ay” i ™~ Py : ee rf} : — RE x ‘ the did Ends was- a ‘suecess. contest between rooms several well, but the winner was Mrs, Richards’ — a $.63 average. t * In rooms |