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Show TLE, sr With language lab room, office, library workroom NEW BUILDING by John Martin end (b) by Ann conference room, the new library ils avrroximately three tines the size of former library. \ (6) CHRISTI.$ SPIRIT Bright colored red bells, santa, nis reindeer, and a counle of real Jolly snownen. Oh, and the Directly west of the library are oe homewakines rooms. Which 4 aa are brown \ ce metal we won't Bt with cabinets, ! (c) "ie llamo a Josefina Jimenez Ramirez", (hb) (b) This was one of . answers from an ex“change student the goes ment. One of. the newest. ideas in modern education the construction in the of new building. The eight (item b) separated by an elevated says room classroom tem which can actor is Raymond I- alias Perry Mason, Vances? They have rock and roll, but they only do the Twist when be used for small group or individual stHidy. . Another step in vrogress is the new study laboratory. It contains 285 to 36 booths and will accommodate ner one student booth, Tea Monee, you will be hanvy to learn new conference recieving touches. its that room a is finishing Tui TION their ~ warents around think they're Burr, much and had her. hard fun talk Le Wis all done in .. Spanish as she knows. yer Little inglishe ‘le hone she had a good tine visiting our school and will come again, ies adds some-~ STUDENTS! it! thank you, tiditors MR. WILLIAMS parerits It was a considering in our Your crazy] The Snanish classes enjoyed ner visit very ing. to ~divtle hear about aren't. because iirs, A black dianond ving, brousht by an cighth grade girl for her renort on a foreien country, is still missing. If anyone has seen this ring anywhere, or has any information about it, we would certainly like to cut- to c pictures two small rooms and is displayed It really High. Hudson ladies, thing to our school. is you walk down the hall take a quick peek in our office to see the lovely Christmas svirit oeing disvlayed. est, but Cantinflas is the best. Her favorite be used as a stage, (i-+ tem a) can be isolated ‘rom each other with flexible vartitions. hock the orfice. when asked if she liked it here, she re2 ead Ee ee olied weetcie sne laked).it very much, especially the snow. \Vhen they had a little snow in Nexico, the nesonle took nhotosraphs of it as there usually isn't any snow @teakl, ‘is for actors she "The students will move into the new building January 2nd, the ay Lollowing ictus vacation", wes Mr. “ywatt's closing state- . team.rooms Twitchell to Veber office being visiting Utah fron iNexico City. She is staying with Linda ? liarkos and Hrs. Mickelson, should be given credit for the lovely decorations. any students have comaented on the fine array of decorations 8 4 e) LA forget ir, Williar ns- scens to be quite unset Decades his naae hasn't been in the vever yet se here it iss hr nillicns, Wide OLSSy Mr, Mr, oP « 3.7 ie, ir. |i. ldiams ’ Williams ’ oe. os wWillians, hi willie mS , Willies) Williams, hte Y bat’, more i "i * Wa bis 3 3 far wast pa Tans ry I Mr 2 i va1213 Williams, tir, e villians, 9 \ j Christmas. tree in the corner. tnings like that really add zing 46 a place. Our - \ Groberg —_ bts [n> B ju n Rese jr3 “PRE | ¢ |