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Show eed BEAT School Elections The The assembly today was. for the election of the new Student Body of Wahlquist. To be a candidate for president you must be at the time of elect lon an eighth grade student, with an average of Br @r “beteée in the year of nomination, A candidate for secretary, or any other of- fice, may be a student fromthe seventh or eighth grade with an average of.B.or better, All candidates for of- fice must be passed by — the Eligibility Committee. A known sluff.in the year ofnomination or a record of general student body or class- organizations. The candidates for stu-dent body were elected in the home room classes, Bach student was given on he ballot which a wrote his choice for each student body office. The balloté were counted and examined by Eligibility Committee. The two highest numbers for each office were voted on today and presented in the asSone Vie Mike Smith (explains broken window to his father): I was ‘clean= and April parents and to School 4th gave friends gee work a do- ne by students. The science department gave awards for the outstanding displays in biological Science to Ray Bishop, Kenny . White, Miller, and Brent Kent Larson Lynette Shaw. Hdith Larson, David Brimhall, Gloria Manning and Walt Prothero won awards in earth physical Sclence, and outstanding in applied physical science were Scott Campbell, Mary Thompson end Fred Masters. Karen Buswell, Linda Nelson, Terry Polson, Elaine Groberg, Ronald Berrett and Craig Chambers had the,,tep display inte: t: basic physical science, These winners took thear projects to Weber College. : Homemaking also gave awards for outstanding projects. In sewing. Jolene Brown, Ella Peterson, Diane Blanch and Linda Mecham had the best articles, Nancy Costley, Hazira Post, Gayle DeBoer, — Susan Behrens, Annette Best and Anita Bingham cooked the best looking tasting) _Dene 0° Hancock, ideas Cheryl oration and ie in and Sandra Deamer, ( The Foreign Language department had many wonderful jdisplays with students bringing articles from home representing - the different “countries they are studying about. The Industrial Arts department displayed excellent projects in wood and leather made by students during the year. The outstanding work done by everyone participating in the fair is Something we should all be“proud’ of% New Shrubbery Kvery spring the custodians start working on the grounds on the school, leveling’“it so they can plant shrubbery. This’ year they have had to work extra hard because ing. of The shrubs the new which build- are to be planted are of many different types.— There are: Blue Columnar Juniper, Red Barberry, | Pirethoray BaLrtic ty y and me:.y others. There will some be flowers planted. students which have helped with this are: Rodney Wintle, Fred Underwood, Johnny and Blair Hodson. Gibson, food. Hancock, Susan Clausse and Elaine Oaks had the best Awards in personal care went to Cynthia Murphy, sue Coletti, Diane Cooper Keith Alene*Stratford, Cheryl Sorenson, Rave we ing my slingshot just went off, on chance (and =. Wahlquist Fair Orton, misconduct in or about school will bar a student from holding an offical position in the Fair home child deccare, One samll while boy to another looking at an Stract painting: run before did it they ab-' Let's say we _ = NEWS |