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Show Rover Hil Track Meet Held Friday I'g like to introduce myself, I 'i Wahlquist's the roving reporter, I was roving around Wahlquist Junior Hion gh April 27 when I heard Mr, Heslop remark, told me to find out for seh, and went had changed. myself, He So - of Phil ing in "The bara, Just classes, goody, goody " said, "I felt like a chimp parad-~ front of monkeys", boys sure are cute" remarked Bar~ then Lou Ann Agren popped in and exclaimed , "I'll surely get lost!" They still wouldn't let me in on it so I left and heard Cathye Garner Say. LU L looks like fun, but I'll sure miss Wahl. quist", | ? : Then Mr. Wyatt came down the hall and. IL asked him what the remarks were cout. "Oh my gosh!" The news is out. The 9th grade took its annual tour of Weber on April 26. Do these remarks make more sense now. You 8thad 7th graders , cantt you imagine the fun! ee The. score 1s 10-5, South's favor. It i The ball a terrific for Hetey . The score is At South the 9th grade 7-6 but at Wahlquist the de- girls re- turned with a flying 6-0 victory. The eighth grade girls won 26-8 over South there. This victory was greatly by two Parker. We'll just are really our girls Oh, in case home runs have you're English bears game’ called some that ball", what hap- at Wahlquist, resemblance "Rounders", to an However the gaine as we have it originated from started by Lt, Abner Doubleday. His ers didn't use gloves, masks, pads, was different from our game today. in the most of the boys, Lowell Fred Cox, Larsen, Blair Holl, Har- Taylor-, wre onennnct DeWayne Glen Palmer, Jack Sarlo, Sherman Barker, Roger Valentine, Dennis Walton, David Dixon, Larry Cragun, Kent Erickson, Douglas Clark, Max Garner, Kent Lasater, Phil Henich, High : jump--Wayne Rhees, 3 Sige Donoviel, Paul Steiner, Lowell: Larsen, ald Ron= Larson. foe : Broad Jump-~Wayne Donoviel, Paul ner, Larry Thorsted, Bill Lay, Lynn ley, DeRell Jones, Bliss Davis, P Pole Vault--Fred Heber Fuller, Ray Paul Garner, Shot Cox, Wendell Dennis Cox, Lee Cloy Redden, Dean Elmer, : put-~-Reuben Rhees, Fred SteiBent- Gerald Haviland, Jones, Mike DeBloois, Cragun, . Rh’ Reuben Heslop, Child, Darrel Stokes, Javelin--Jim Combe, Gar Hunter, DeRell Jones, Bill Lay, Merlin H-mson, Bill God. frey, Dee Harmston, Lyihe Saunders, Discus--—Reuben Rhees, Douglas Dixon, Jim Combe, Gar Hunter, Emmett Sexton, Rod Cragun, Don DeRyke, Colin Taylor. Boys! The games began at 9th and Baseball between Wahlquist South with losing In the 9th Wehlaquist our the and South team winning in 8th. grade game Co rmbe allowing pitched 7 hits and Heslop pitched for South allowing 11. Score was 12-3, In the 8th grade South emerged victor 8-4, Ronnie Laymon pitched for us and helped admit wondering pened to the 8th grade gme the’ local team won 14-10, Baseball to go to We= South Ross Gibson, Karl Rawson, Donald Olsen. Runs-~-Lee Heslop, Emmett Sexton, Mer-. lin Hamson, Henry Post, Paul Bingham, — for from’ Barbara "on the meet Bradshaw, Boger Valentine, Kimball Call, > xé°-, Linn Baker, Ron DeVries, Duard Gravis, a home-run now 10-10, -irls were to Kranendonk y Darrell Don leaves the pitcher's hand. Soon creck is heard, Pete is on! First--~second--~-third---It!s5 feated are Higley, Hall, the bottom of the fourth. Can our girls catch up with them? The inning begins, 6 --- 7---, The score is 10~7, Betsy Peterson is up at bat. It's a ‘full count. team will 1 P.M, track and field event. Although Mr, doesn't have his complete team cho- here Rod Girlst. Softball track at Dashes--Larry Thorsted, vey I went on down the hall when I met Carol Manning, Barbara Thompson, and Phil Henich, | Carol said to Barbara, "We missed a lot Friday annual Cottle "It surely has changed since I was there! * Well I got curhous (as usual) over and asked him what ber l playand Davis pitched for South, In the final games between the two schools Wahlquist won victories in both games, ae The ninth graders won 9-2 with Combe winning the game *nd-H,slop beginrting the game for South, Me Pe s ee Wahlquist 8th graders 21lso won 8.3 with Ronnie Morrison. Laymon as beating their pitcher Le P |