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Show ADSLMBLY SURPRISES ninth grade assembly the was held Ninth David on Tuesday, October STUDENT 13. grade officers Dennis Miya, Petterson and Lindse Shaw took charge, while Mrs. Oaks and ir, Heiner directed. The first surprise came when Laraine Hansen's eyelash fell off, a second one when the hand dropped off the clock, but both of these Ancidents went off as part of the act. The third arose When to the Mr, But question, Foy! Ss red all in all "What hair?! it was @ame up. a very good MELTINGS lhe first Girls sssociation meeting was held on Monday, Octobern le. President Cherrie Parker the Nirs, advisors, Jenkins. Then the chairmen of MiVtees LOY the gram The main was a and Don t's took place (Linda Miss Holmes she of the showing the Miss Chatlian) pro-skit Picklebrain's class Boys room. Association mest- ing was also held October consisted of talks by Mr. and Bir. Ballitiv anda fide year's Little ihe Brown officers: are Bront Hodson Woody Himelright and Gary DeVries of the) Fathers Clation Day, party, year's and and party, and meet, future game. this. activitaics meetings 12. It Cottle on’ last year president, vice president, secretary. Some Sons track Jug for will. Boys be: «sso- assemblics, Halloween— sports student charge of body thc prcsidcnt, mcctings. Mat~ ters of business discussed were the Halloween party and events that will teke place throughout the ycar. It certainly looks as though this year will be a good one. HORDES OF HORRORS "het-H-Ki" "Got that mero COLT mel’: You will clammy be nearing horrid scrcams likc these coming from Spook alley at our Halloween Perey Go oc Geld Friday afternoon, Ggiobcr 30. /.There will’ be .ienty of Cpnar.cVChts to chotcrtain you, such gs fgortunc telling, ring events. with and cakc the walk, duck, and The rest of the program conSisted of a modern dance by Marcia Heiner, a reading by Ann Thompson, a song by Marlene McFarland and two pantomimes by Joan Cragun and Carol Rhees. The took thcre"se 0ine: to Dc. Todds:.of ten Tor everyonc, so Came eut and part. "Do's “he Council in- announced “obpochools": in Robinson, the various comyear’s Gvants. feature skit COUNCIL peudent. baskctbull toss, and many others. troduced Vice President Dixie Taylor, Secretary Sharon Clausse, and TiPst. mactings were held on the 6th add the 8th of this month. Mike happened assembly. ASSOCIATION Our’ a show ta. HbabPS OF HELP The following mothcrs helped registration on saugust 24, 25, 26: alma | Parysi, Rote Jennie Dabb, Bessic Parker, Lavon Bird, Flindcrs, Meldrum, Lurinda Mary Johns, AltCe Propet, cally Cragunh.,: Jean Pulsifer, Berbara wangsgard, Mrs. Elwood, Mrs. Magcc, Merge Olsen, Mrs. Stubbs, Nadine Jcnscn, Madge Honcery, Ruth Costlcy, Mrs. Isakson, Firn Humphries, Janice Cragun, Donna Colletti, Joscphine Budgc, Lois Erickson, Mabel Wills, Betty Thompson, Ruth Wayment, Doris Berrett, Gay wildc, June Shupe, Lois archibale Botty Olsen, Clarice. .0isen, Lillian Plauy, otvudcnt officcrs that also helped are Mikc Robinson, Dwight Butt, Brent Linde. blaine Burnett. Nyla Berrett, Hodson, Cherric barkor, ahd Chatlian. Mr. wyatt cxpressed his appre ciution for the fine help these pcoe phe ava? |