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Show STAFF Sai tor | mente’ s Agos Meauring ASSOCiate Se aie: ty Foo try Sports REDOrCC eS Parkcr C I've Facuhiy . " 3. os ASSEMBLY - , “On Thursday, Decanber 7th, the “membcrs of the student body Wore Tho chorus a ‘Thousand numburs and sane ae Byos". were from Tancd "Muterackcr cntitlicd "Cossack wight Their Tehiakovsky's Suitc”™ and Danec" t “My had twol,: pia you. A ilvcs'". Number ,."Danec. "Cloek in the Toy of shop" spirit, they playcad tha Boke. JeCr Blisworth,, Corry , pe eoOnce, nom: . by WLU Ghee: help Joy Morr icld. |. Were, - “ttincd in blue whitc shorts. It wis the of girls Marilyn thmsd vs. byins gone cmd| and on with | doine , Soc4 ASSEMBLY — attended 27th... the onc Claus. Annonymou s . Grade and I know because, fae Senta ‘ | Novenbicr 1% was Corn a movie Belt". ¢@alled this picture was sponsored by Junior scholastic magezine, ~tudcnts saw the picture during thoir history periods with Mr hansen showing it. Most of the students thought it was vory intcresting. Wi GET BLuaCHERS — | They BcvKoy good. ths the| Goma Johnson, Lorrcainc taylor, wd Le Jucn BYDCOse. TACY sweatcrs nd originated ay most yet right "Cattle of Chr istmas ecrols enllcd "Chri st mis Fantesy.' The program was concludcd with cn advertiscmcont of the coming CrLy that. Lincoln was and men =re Seventh .| & medlgq danec bY Nine shapcly eiris. were Helen Nosh, DeLore Maw, wait. said Keeps On nome of their ‘ncxt, © very dcserip~ GiIVC Humbcr.s . A duct by Dianne Clark and Dennis Barker wes a Locture of that nomber. Last, 66: holy with the ee st- | mos was born ¢. SEVENTH thon | was and. my -Dad Joe. Meas greatcst Hic His ae ee ees | The orechostra beean by playing & novo. ty numbcr. “Dorn on Our | Farm’, and thon a more scrious pices, "Ope ratie Execrpts"”. Following this Wus.a waltz callcad Sey mothcr Unele to sistcr At "The: OLCOping Wea Lig.’ my and “Who's iercater wore. and and Those Has. Iest ‘suc My brother said ‘twas Washington + GOH"? Soc bow he edutd. "WChiri- dacn “WT is My daddy eskcd us all onc day Whet mon we thought was great. LoknGwe at ones, pt. Tom smill- the chtcrieined by. the miscd. ee and sdvanecd orehc stra Mi on as esanbly. a biribin! Santa I'll never knw. Une SReOtCen Mreo Heslop... . Miss Welch © ot Se old I've just about dccided He's sucha famous man | That dcar old Santa Claus The day that time began. oo MORtY Ships” ® how askcd Aunt Bonita Putcrson, Marianne Johns, vorothy Sraeet ts Kathcrinc Simmons Cover : Botty . Ann Cuddy Printing Dolorcs .ndcrson | wo micr Porhaps auditor dca anicroan : Dclora Maw Vou Domne Oakcy | Kenneth Colby 4 Antoinctte Wyatt The with, gym is bcing bleachers on: furnishcd the ono side. This will heJp in assemblics or in night beskctball ganes playcd in our gymnasium. There will be four to of sections meke room that for basketball or ChCy. Look thet way or gum is niéc will any fold back practicing shows. ame walt stay provid ing no ser -tehing put on them.,Lct's kcecp CT BiG cs Toy Weel be Focdy Wocn we comc be ‘ck aftcr the holidcye. |