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Show How Doar oue, what: dor: youcdovwhen you are dieing to get a kiss from your boyfriend and he has a bad easesof hayfever? Afraid of Sneezes 26 DS do you £Oine snow -O a Bias boy Dear yous too, ‘if desperate$ DeopoAbranda, giving him DrisUThe .threewleyer yo Ge Bde neliéeves «sinus oibLbethat Sue congestion, colds ham nbev ewe [olf and Dear ‘Sue, How do you date sobre dces not work, maybe he s salherneie (6G yous iin this -case -L-wewhd -over- with dontt brenk someone tke come my fear of Dear Sue, 1: Gam edd with... boy someone I get terion bove te How don’ Care, Sou Out Ho be 1 bey .wtdly 0 go wrest your ‘tortte hve in “Love with cut with him, can mo vice Sue u Dear Unnoticedys lf they boy: you ane madly;in love with realiy dikes another. giri, you will never. be noe ticed.....But, 1 f,.mesaces interested in other giris,.you, havesa’> chance tT have * Froblen, -Lands Seems -to giris. new friends. Vecr Suc, Woot "do you do 18 boy asks you to 2 dance and you like someone else? When @ you know the other person is going to ser you, Bnould you -Garcin. She Wondering Dear Woncering, fe Len ’t very nice to turn gown Tae fits firey boy, Out ali 1s fair in love and war. knowe Sue sue by:.being.yeursell, Smite How boy to good, Problem Ree some previenm, do" you. Latch one and get him for Déar orvher wor Uy oo. Valk turn the. first. boy down ond 26 with the one’ you Tike? ager Unnoticed ye, tvo 2iris sue whoiadlikes else. Bim & @ evLa «you Idea-ed, You Lie, “anymore? Tdea-ed Derr ry Ce Asve, Por oen poo. stop your friends from talking about your other friends, “Uy eStart ite 3 Chou, conversation on a dif. ferent sup yect, ~ IT this doesn't work, try 1 sneezes, Sue ve Spout you find cn answer, please Hetiome,?’F-am getting Try ret Th e-hae “peer Uire of wower ever Teurt ernce the caveman Waiting, Liamowst@ine- ”" . for” Waiting cr" ( Pee URES mars Dear .at.him,;dghewyin- “erest-:in what he is saying. and-doing, and displny pleasure .in heing with him, «,l8 you 2B ho ktady,ggkais ba the ony, thing jeu tcan do, The bay -13e bd make the fi rsy. Waove« Déar Sue’, woae Cun l eivitriengds.: Tiwoyes people people “do "Ibouv Ty .iney re Talktre [bout and some of the are my friends, To Monmy Friends Father Rie (Looking Son's report. over card) WOve Cline hsp. your favor, with those grades, you couldn't possibly be cheating? |