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Show have so been please How Wahlquist really gaod remember™. us this and Oh fe. ae adiee & ‘ pCa c - ik We3G 1 Chm ae oh ee dc ye As A oy. NA Sa $ Nett i WLLe * SF sas 1 wan o (CAL Lag G irs Wyatt pair Ori ekis of bubble gum, ¥ ot ett es of don ' a. CiLOUg ih. tor ask ing dozen hos —~ Mou ee a th ing S ‘to we _ Miss Jorgensen wants a "Goll about six feet tela, big dark fluoresecnt a Nie , think to makc Mr, tic PEBA RD WY y yvleniasatres 8 rrrons ai es tm Miss us ual. stocking’s.: averé as a some fulls class 2s oe Spe ean alle “Stallings books, ‘skatcse: “Ray “ard vente “ecitsc “and a your" ae thre, ij GY ana go ikL : a it ' a is ae US Or. PS dcar “think | e is Santa ri.eWay Can ed . x Ae, ; = bec Py e° Y Pe UPS pomith; . ould a 5 tock ing hold all“you-want for Christmas Mis$ “Grcctiwcli:**No, but a Sat of sox would, How-'@: are Their the with cam came first much the of skis ts,,: of “in dnd ee the’ men and ‘ths ‘omen, otherwise ee t iy, Se ee ‘ Sake ‘ oe thom LT LS RT take. ‘a % ae the mins Parlar ul . truth like it, PT your fricnds away.’ rer Weentuiarhtr exsaitipetinnemasblticee se Lb real ae ee kccp givc £ id diffcreat, A" Wuipinc Strotenhing ‘ and Christmas. Snow Nothin, . ycar public) Tun of @olot cee& eae of scvcral}. (a mixturc naoaliae ‘ Wable 9s ete school ee ice for. “adi fool. it, yor“vowld-tind but: mcr sonally WG aera what Car istmas 5 idee, Lele “pa thing Sires. phe cer PLL the: : amperature is., on.Ly 102. and is probabodd ‘sounds ie Ly your soadnds, ‘4 1 OM fe ee. . ‘Tost: ee “Ws as purs oh faswhe- BL if viry brightss8+@hbo sc few but instcad Sue Weak, short, pa its ae Pia ~ i 5 as a eee the people and ty this, time li- n> mas Land: OL cA customs afrikeanse wr <! ariver's ‘supply or Ghnrist a and surfboards. Suits, Dae cards arc printcd Christmas smebre. ~ALanguas .oe-+Hte Lish and “110b raw an d some wh sail “LOS. an ee Ve ani tevG22ons for have wants' fet new History S bi s v Lnglish scttlers who to the warm country. They have toyland of this she won't ask ‘for’ ‘a ny thing she! duct des clsc-+that 2. inti She - wan anjts some thing CrSS. “some ay seg it same t-wants..strai ght the “year Ynstcaa at vsanta hay jeven. “have Rudolph. eons: do wih tre chitmey and, filis ™“éhG sto¢kings, COOe In the Windows of the stores you may sec the Christmas tree trinméd with cotton and artificial snow even though not more Christmas pair abkl-day- ..... big 2a in Christmas cver, thé highest mountains snow ea pp ed the year around. flan-. rod Jorg smscn's the hagt, of the.. of gercat a is hi sya DL {Toe £Or ually — just waants stocking BREUCS , anda aes a pig xx ‘ask- sic wants a. fluorcsecnt pair Poller CCE is hor Budge nels, Ai sure and Or shc peopis It may have ever seen snow, snow lightly once in about 40 years where the people can act-. cee wWcar ‘Sanba, mutch, so Tor’ ing the than 2 percent of ok don't leccs and candy. of pounds mardlés, a. new Of shoes, same shoc not if degrees. some as Le Looks somevii. cours. . Santa Gteus wd Ob his rea suit, slcig mh, rcindeome - they «aa wagon, doll, Gaby @ spend WY ale wet. or Marilyn svans- “wan tsa. police °. aoe to protest hcr, a hat, some, dye, Side to arc exectly half Pe eerti aro ue? 2 %.5,00p0SLtcC to what wou Ld. seem very to far- AY voy. “hair, and very handsomes~.plus ai amond rine to 20 Witte ity Gert have. strange in that our a wants a vohodian anda.a. agar supply ‘a pike, & Deg of dress, two pairs now Cane tat h way around their weath i ln (aoe Po O'R ena ¢ *y FS like been j % FD Me other you Well, freeze? you Would the temp cre ture were 102 é Ai the Christmas day on the beach swimYou think tling in the occan? fill cur little mvberJstockings +" OY CLs ar Goee ao SOP ¢ Dont ACY ers, aud one Cyd Oils BenaG forLio on would “fa yeer of Christmas aN, tfe > ’ School i wy, Dane! Dear Santa Claus, We the students never |