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Show Geology Geology General Information teaching minor are available as well as a two year associate of applied science degree in a Geological Technician program. PROGRAM: GEOLOGY MAJOR BACHELOR DEGREE General Requirements: • WSU Core Requirements (see index). • General Education Requirements (see index). • A minor is required. • A grade of C- or better is required in all Geology courses to be counted in the major. • 183 total hours are required for this degree. Sixty of the 183 total hours must be upper division (courses numbered 300 and above). • An overall GPA of 2.00 (C) is required. Specific Requirements: • Minimum of 53 credit hours in Geology courses. • Geology core courses required of all majors (44 credit hours): Geol NS111 (5), 112 (1), 122 (5), 204 (4), 205 (4), 206 (4), 306 (4), 318 (4), 351 (9), 376 (4) • Select at least one course from each of the following elective groups (9-10 credit hours): Group 1: Geol 254 (4), 315 (4), 339 (3), 385 (4), or 388 (4). Group 2: Geol 410 (4), 430 (4), 450 (4), 455 (4), 460 (4), or 465 (4). Group 3: Geol 483 (2), 497 (2), or 499 (2). Required support courses: • Chem NS121 (5), 122 (5), 123 (5); Math 106 (5), 107 (5). Fifteen hours of Physics in the General Physics or Engineering Physics series: Phsx NS111 (4), 112 (4), 113 (4), NS114(1), 115(1), 116(1) or Phsx NS261 (4), 262 (4), 263 (4), NS264 (1), 265 (1), 266 (1). Computer Science - one computer language course chosen from CS130 (4), 140 (4), 160 (4), or 220 (4). • Recommended support courses: All students planning to attend graduate school should take the Engineering Physics series and Math 211 (5), 212 (5), and 213 (4). • Students contemplating advanced degrees in geophysics and hydrology, in particular, will need additional mathematics. Recommended for all students: Geogr 345 (3). PROGRAM: EARTH SCIENCE COMPOSITE TEACHING MAJOR - (See program requirements in the Composite Teaching Majors section of the College of Education.) PROGRAM: PHYSICAL SCIENCE/ MATHEMATICS/COMPUTER SCIENCE COMPOSITE TEACHING MAJOR BACHELOR DEGREE - (See program requirements in the Composite Teaching Majors section of the College of Education.) PROGRAM:GEOLOGY DEPARTMENTAL HONORS General Requirements: • Enroll in the General Honors Program and complete 10 hours of General Honors courses (see the Interdisciplinary Programs section of the catalog). • Maintain an overall GPA of 3.3. • Fulfill requirements for one of the following: Earth Science Composite Teaching Major or Geology Major. Specific Requirements: • In fulfilling requirements for one of the departmental majors complete at least 20 credit hours of Honors credit. • In addition complete a Geology Honors Senior Project (Geol 480) for 2 hours credit. • A student may receive Geology Honors credit in any of the following courses depending upon which major the student is pursuing: Geol 306, 315, 318, 363, 376, 385, 388, 430, 450, 483, 499. Permission from the department chair should be sought before registering in a course for Honors credit. A written agreement should be reached with the appropriate professor regarding the work expected for Honors credit. (See the Interdisciplinary Programs section of the catalog.) PROGRAM: GEOLOGICAL TECHNICIAN ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE General Requirements: • A minimum of 95 credit hours. • Engl 111 (4), 112 (4), or 210 (3). • At least 20 hours from the general education courses listed in the catalog, including at least one course in each of the four areas of Humanities, Natural Science (Physical and Life Science groups), Social Science and Personal Development. • A minimum overall GPA of 2.00. Specific Requirements: • A minimum of 33 hours in Geology courses. • A grade of C- or better in each Geology course. • Geology courses required: Geol NS111 (5), 112 (1), 121 (4), 122 (5), 222 (4), 339 (3) and 11 additional hours in Geology chosen with approval of adviser. • Support courses required: Math 106 (5), 107 (5); Chem NS111 (5), 112(5), 113(5)orNS121(5), 122(5), 123(5); and 9 hours chosen from CS 160 (4); Geogr 345 (3), 346 (3); and Art 115 (5). PROGRAM: GEOLOGY MINOR AND GEOLOGY TEACHING MINOR General Requirements: • A grade of C- or better in minor courses. Specific Requirements: Geology minor: • Geology courses required (minimum 30 credit hours): Geol NS111 (5), 112 (1) and 122 (5), with a minimum of 19 hours of geology classes which must include Geol 121 (4) or the three-quarter sequence 204 (4), 205 (4), and 206 (4), and at least two classes from the following list: Geol 306 (4), 315 (4), 318 (4) 376 (4) and 450 (4). Geology Teaching minor: • Geology courses required: Geol NS111 (5), 112 (1), 121 (4), 122(5). • Select three of the following four courses: Geol 295 and/or 495 (3); 254 (4), 306 (4), 318 (4). • Teaching minors must sign up for at least one hour in special problems (480) covering the subject content of the fourth course not taken. Any deviation from the above requirements must be approved by the department in advance. GEOLOGY COURSES - GEOL M NS103. Earthquakes and Volcanoes (3) Su,A,W,S A study of the causes and geographic distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes with particular attention to current ideas of plate tectonics and problems of prediction. Students will develop computational skills through problem solving and the use of computer modeling. Three lectures per week. NS111/111L. Physical Geology (5) Su,A,W,S Physical features and processes of the Earth including rocks, minerals, earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, and the effects of water, wind and ice on the Earth's surface. Field trip. Optional lab required for geology, engineering, and science teaching majors and minors. Five lectures a week for NS111 or four lectures and one 3- hour lab per week for NS111L. 112. Map Interpretation (1) S Laboratory and field study of landforms and geologic structures using topographic maps, geologic maps, and air photos. One 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisite: Geol NS 111, or concurrent registration. 121. Rocks, Minerals, and Earth Materials (4) A, S Recognition and occurrences of the common ore and rock minerals, rocks, fuels, and other economic materials. Field trips required. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab a week. 122. Historical Geology (5) W,S The history of the earth with particular emphasis on North America. Short field trips required. Four lectures and one 3-hour lab a week. NS160. Dinosaurs, Fossils, and Extinction (4) A study of Paleozoic and Mesozoic fossils with particular emphasis on the dinosaurs and culminating with their extinction. Examples will be taken primarily from occurrences in Utah. Students will do library and/or laboratory research to gather information for written assignments. Field trips to museums and/ or quarries. Four lectures a week. A writing intensive course. NS180. Geology of the National Parks (3) Sa, A, W, S A study of the rocks, fossils, and geologic processes seen in selected national parks, including study of features such as volcanoes, glaciers, canyons, geysers, and coral reefs. Three lectures a week. Student Services Interdisc. Programs 204. Mineralogy and Petrology I (4) A Identification, classification and crystal chemistry of the rock forming and ore minerals and the application of phase equilibria to Applied rock genesis. Prerequisites: Geol NS111 and 112 and Chem Science & NS122, or permission of the instructor. Two lectures and two 3- Technology hour labs per week. 205. Mineralogy and Petrology II (4) W Continuation of Geol 204. Prerequisite: Geol 204. Two lectures and two 3-hour labs per week. Arts& Humanities Business & Economics Education 206. Mineralogy and Petrology III (4) S Continuation of Geol 205 with emphasis on the description and classification of rocks. Prerequisite: Geol 205. Two lectures and two 3-hour labs a week. 222. Geological Techniques (4) (Offered as needed) Theory and operation of technical equipment used to collect and analyze geological samples; includes instruction in making thin sections, use of stream gauging equipment, sampling of rocks and soils, study of well samples and logs, seismic profiles, sediment textural analysis and other geologic techniques. Prerequisites: Geol 121 and 122. One lecture and two 3-hour labs a week. 254. Environmental Geology (4) (Offered as needed) The relationship between man and his geologic habitat. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab a week. Prerequisites: Geol NS111, 112, or consent of the instructor. 275. Introduction to Oceanography (5) W Study of the physical processes in the oceans, including currents, waves, tides and their effects upon the shoreline and ocean floor. The class also treats life in the seas. Five lectures a week. 289. Cooperative Work Experience (1-9) Open to all students in Geology who meet the minimum Cooperative Work Experience requirements of the department. Provides academic credit for on-the-job experience. Grade and amount of credit will be determined by the department. 292. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-6) (Offered as needed) Consult the quarterly class schedule for the current offering under social & this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear Behavioral on the student transcript. 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