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Show FACULTY AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF Thomas E Abdenour (1979) - Athletic Trainer. Inge H. Adams (1961) - Associate Professor of Foreign Languages. B.A., Utah State University, 1972; M.A., Brigham Young University, 1979; Ph.D., University of Utah, 1983. Lowell S. Adams (1964) - Professor of Microbiology. B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1961, 1964, 1973. Harley K Adamson (1966) - Professor of Secondary Education. B.A., Idaho State College, 1957; M.A., Idaho State College, 1960; M.A., University of Denver, 1961; Ed.D., University of Denver, 1963. H. Lon Addams (1982) - Associate Professor of Business Administration. B.S., University of Utah, 1969; M.B.A., University of Utah, 1970; Ed.D., Brigham Young University, 1978. Arthur R. Adelmann (1966) - Professor of Visual Arts. B.A., University of Miami, 1961; M.A., University of California at Berkeley, 1965; M.F.A., Utah State University, 1974. Marilyn Agricola (1973) - Instructor of Nursing. B.S., University of Utah, 1972. Tamara R. Aird (1986) - Outreach Professional. Cynthia Akins (1986) - Continuing Education Onsite Coordinator. Robb S. Alexander, Jr. (1984) - Assistant Development Officer. Irvin E Allen (1983) - Assistant Professor of Military Science. B.S., Brigham Young University, 1977. Amy S. Allred (1985) - Associate Coordinator of School Services. Gordon T. Allred (1963) - Professor of English. B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Utah, 1957, 1958,1972. Keith Allred (1978) - Assistant Professor of Manufacturing Engineer Technology. B.S., M.I.E, Utah State University, 1967, 1980. Richard M. Alston (1969) - Professor of Economics. B.A., University of Utah, 1966; M.A., Ph.D., 1968, Cornell University, 1970. Farhang Amiri (1984) - Assistant Professor of Physics. B.S., Tehran University, 1971; M.S., Pars College, 1973; Ph.D, Florida State University, 1981. Julie C. Andersen (1984) - Medical Technician. Jean H. Andra (1962) - Professor of Foreign Languages. B.A., University of Utah, I960; M.A., Harvard University, 1964; Ph.D., University of Utah, 1983. Wayne Andrews (1969) - Assistant Professor of Electronic Engineering Technology. B.S., Weber State College,1966; M.S., University of Southern California, 1969. Mary Ann Anderson (1982) - Instructor of Nursing. B.S., University of Utah, 1973. Julianne K Arbuckle (1980) - Coordinator of Academic Advisement David S. Arslanian (1980) - Assistant Football Coach. Sally J. Arway (1963) - Associate Professor of Libraries. Sidney R. Ash (1970) - Professor of Geology. B.A., Midland Lutheran University of New Mexico, 1957; University of New Mexico, 1961; Ph.D., University of Reading, England, 1966. Rex R. Ashdown (1968) - Associate Professor of Social Work. B.S., M.S., Utah State University, 1954, 1959; Ph.D, University of Southern California, 1980. Julie Austin (1986) - Administrative Assistant to the President B Lee W. Badger (1981) - Associate Professor of Mathematics. A.B., University of Missouri, 1968; M.A., Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1970, 1975. Norris R. Bancroft (1969) - Professor of Psychology. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of South Dakota, 1964, 1966, 1968. R. Bryce Barker (1986) - Accountant I. Louis Barraza (1976) - Counselor. Joseph H. Barrett (1985) - Assistant Director of the Small Business Development Center. Diane Baughman (1972) - Professor of Nursing. B.S., M.S., University of Utah, 1972, 1979; Ed.D., Brigham Young University. Donna J. Bauman (1984) - Instructor of Child and Family Studies. B.A., Alverno College, 1965; M.S., North Dakota University, 1972; Ph.D., in progress. Michael A. Beard (1972) - Professor and Program Director of Clinical Laboratory Science. B.S., Utah State University, 1963; M.S., University of Utah, 1970; Ed.D., Brigham Young University, 1979. Karen W. Beaver (1963) - Professor of Nursing. B.S., M.S., University of Utah, 1959, 1970; Ed.D, Brigham Young University, 1979. Robert R. Beishline (1965) - Professor of Chemistry. B.S., M.S., Brigham Young University, 1955, 1957; Ph.D. Penn State University, 1962. Robert W. Belka (1970) - Associate Professor of Foreign Languages. B.A., Weber State College, 1966; M.A., Tulane University, 1968; Ph.D., Brigham Young University. 214 Cynthia Belnap (1984) - Instructor of CCRN. B.S., Weber State College, 1983. F. A. (Bud) Belnap (1962) - Associate Professor of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. B.S., M.S., Brigham Young University, 1961, 1962; Ph.D., University of New Mexico, 1983. N. Blaine Belnap (1970) - Psychiatrist. Margaret O. Bennett (1969) - Associate Professor of Business Education/Administrative Systems. B.S., M.S., University of Utah, 1959, 1967; Ed.D., University of California - Los Angeles, 1980. Bonnie E. Benson (1983) - Assistant Professor of Nursing. B.S., M.S., University of Utah, 1966, 1969. JoAnn Bernick (1981) - Snack Bar Supervisor. Jerome Bernstein (1966) - Assistant Professor of History. B.S., M.S., Utah State University, 1957, 1961. C. Lynn Beus (1984) - Secretary to the Wildcat Club. Jewell (Judy) Bezoski - Instructor. B.S., Weber State College, 1972; M.S., Utah State University, 1980. Mark A. Biddle (1981) - Associate Professor of Visual Arts. B.F.A., M.F.A., Indiana State, 1977, 1981. L. G. Bingham (1975) - Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. B.S.L., University of Utah, 1951; J.D., University of Utah, 1951. James A. Bird (1978) - Assistant Professor of Child and Family Studies. B.S., M.S., Brigham Young University, 1969, 1975; Ph.D., University of Utah, 1987. Scott B. Birkinshaw (1971) - Associate Professor of Libraries. James W. Blaisdell (1981) - Women's Track Coach. Richard H. Blake (1974) - Associate Professor of Elementary Education. B.S., Brigham Young University, 1967; M.S., University of Oregon, 1969; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1974. Ryan S. Boam (1985) - Accountant I. Thelma J. Bond (1983) - Editor/Writer. Byron L. Borup (1986) - Recruiter/Counselor, Veterans Upward Bound. Jerry H. Borup (1969) - Professor of Gerontology and Sociology. B.S., M.S., Brigham Young University, 1961, 1962; Ph.D., Mississippi State University, 1969. Stephen K Boss (1984) - Geology Lab Manager. John E Boyer, Jr. (1981) - Associate Professor of Manufacturing Engineering Technology. B.S., Lehigh University, 1973; M.B.A., Utah State University, 1980. Eugene G. Bozniak (1969) - Professor of Botany. B.S., M.S., University of Alberta, 1963, 1966; Ph.D, Washington University, 1969. Craig T. Brandow (1979) - Educational Studies Program Developer. Carol J. Brantmeier (1983) - Residence Life Coordinator. William F. Brown (1984) - Assistant Professor of Military Science. B.S., University of Tennessee, 1975. Dale W. Bryner (1965) - Professor of Visual Arts. B.F.A., M.F.A., University of Utah, 1961, 1965. Hayle Buchanan (1965) - Professor of Botany. B.A., M.A., Brigham Young University, 1951, 1953; Ph.D., University of Utah, 1960. George S. Burbidge (1986) - Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. B.S., Weber State College, 1967; M.S., Ph.D., University of Utah, 1979, 1983. Maurice J. Burke (1986) - Assistant Professor of Mathematics. B.A., B.S., Montana State University-Bozeman, 1974, 1974; B.A., Oxford University, 1976; M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978, 1984. John A. Burkes (1979) - Associate Professor of Distributive Technology. B.S., M.ED., Mississippi State University, 1961, 1973. Pamela A. Burton (1981) - Assistant Professor of Nursing. B.S., California State University-Sonoma, 1976; M.S.N., University of California-San Francisco, 1978. Thomas R. Burton (1963) - Professor of English. B.S., M.A., Brigham Young University, 1959, 1960; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1967. Keith R. Burnett (1969) - Professor of Secondary Education. B.S., Montana State University, 1956; M.S., Ed.D., University of Utah, 1966, 1969. Shannon K. Butler (1986) - Assistant Professor of Secondary Education. B.A., M.Ed., University of Utah, 1971, 1973; D.A., University of Michigan, 1977. Paul G. Butterfield (1959) - Director of Vocational Education. M. Diane Calloway (1983) - Counselor Women's Educational Resource Center. S. Craig Campbell (1984) - Assistant Professor of Child and Family Studies. B.S., University of Washington, 1971; M.A., Ball State University, 1974; Ph.D., Utah State University, 1979. Joan M. Campbell (1986) - Head Women's Basketball Coach. Robert L. Capener (1965) - Professor of Computer Science. B.S., University of Utah, 1955; Ph.D., Utah State University, 1968. Cynthia A. Carlson (1982) - Assistant Women's Basketball Coach. Donald R. Carpenter (1973) - Assistant Professor of Social Work. B.S., Weber State College, 1970; M.S.W., Ph.D., University of Utah, 1972, 1986. G. Arthur Carpenter (1970) - Associate Professor of Libraries. Leona F. Carrillo (1976) - Grants and Contracts Officer. Bradley W. Carroll (198 ) - Assistant Professor of Physics. B.A, University of Califomia-Irvine, 1971; M.S., Ph.D, University of Colorado-Boulder, 1978, 1981. Gary L. Carson (1965) -Professor of Psychology. B.A., M.S., Brigham Young University, 1956, 1959; Ed.D., Utah State University, 1965. Patricia H. Cashman (1982) - Associate Professor of Geology. B.A., Middlebury College, 1972; Ph.D., University of Southern California, 1979. Lee G. Cassity (1974) - Chief of Campus Security. C. Darlene Chandler (1986) - Instructor and Program Director of Medical Records Technology. B.S., East Carolina University, 1970. Stella S. Chang (1970) - Associate Professor of Libraries. Earl M. Charlesworth (1967) - Plumbing and Heating Foreman. Brooke H. Chase (1981) - Network Services Coordinator. Randy S. Chatelain (1983) - Assistant Professor of Child and Family Studies. B.S., Weber State College, 1975; M.S., Ph.D., Brigham Young University, 1982, 1983. Donna R. Cheney (1982) - Instructor of English. B.A., Weber State College, 1971; M.A., Utah State University, 1982. Merlin G. Cheney (1965) - Professor of English. B.S., M.A., Brigham Young University, 1961, 1966; Ph.D., Bowling Green University, 1971. Wan Fu Chi (1960) - Professor of Economics. B.A., U Chung Hsiung University, 1962; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, 1969. Lisa Childs (1986) - Alternate Parent Evan J. Christensen (1968) - Assistant Professor of Libraries. William G. Clapp (1984) - Assistant Professor of Electronics. B.A., M.A., San Diego State University, 1971,1978; Ed.D., Brigham Young University, 1987. Christopher A. Clark (1976) - Management Information Systems Coordinator. Raymond H. Clark (1965) - Professor of Social Work. B.A., M.S.W., D.S.W., University of Utah, 1957, 1962, 1972. 215 Stephen L. Clark (1967) - Professor of Botany. B.S., Weber State College, 1964; M.S., Utah State University, 1967; Ph.D., Brigham Young University, 1980. Jay M. Clegg (1961) - Assistant Professor of Communication. B.S., University of Utah, 1959; M.A., Ed.S., Brigham Young University, 1966, 1979. William R. Cline (1982) - Teaching Parent. Dix W. Cloward (1963) - Professor of Economics and Director of the Logistics Program. B.S., M.S., Ed.D, Utah State University, 1954, 1959, 1970. Darrell L. Cobb (198 ) - Assistant Professor of Military Science. B.S., West Texas State University, 1976. Michael P. Conley (1984) - Assistant Professor of Military Science. B.A., University of Arizona, 1977. Rosemary Conover (1970) - Associate Professor of Anthropology. B.A., University of Utah, 1967; M.A., Brandeis, 1969; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1984. Timothy R. Conrad (1983) - Instructor Specialist ESL. B.A, M.A., Utah State University, 1976, 1983. Richard J. Cook (1982) - Assistant Football Coach. Clyde J. Cooley (1978) - Professor of Business Administration. B.A., Brigham Young University, 1955; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of Utah, 1969, 1977. Desiree Cooper (1984) - Instructor of Fashion Merchandising. B.S., M.S., Utah State University, 1981, 1987. Lynn G. Corbridge (1965) - Associate Professor of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. B.S., Weber State College, 1964; M.S., University of Montana, 1965. David N. Cox (1971) - Professor of Visual Arts. B.A, M.A., San Jose State, 1960, 1971; M.F.A., Ohio State, 1974. James L. Cox (1981) - Design Associate. R. Keith Cox (1981) - Tennis Coach. Forrest C. Crawford (1977) - Counselor. Lyall Crawford (1987) - Assistant Professor of Communication. Nancy Critchlow (1978) - Supervisory Continuing Education Clerk. Charles M. Crittenden (1967) - Professor of Computer Science. B.S., M.S., Ed.D., Utah State University, 1962, 1968, 1980. Gary T. Crompton (1962) - Director of Athletics. Rick L. Crasser (1987) - Assistant Professor of Accounting. B.S., M.S., Colorado State, 1978, 1982; Ph.D., Oklahoma State, 1987. Janie S. Curtis (1983) - Instructor Specialist ESL. B.A., Brigham Young University, 1970; M.Ed., Weber State/Utah State, 1983. |