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Show HOPKINS CITES SCHOOL NEEDS 1926 More Buildings and Teachers Essential He Asserts Ogden's rapid advancement in the past few years is given as an }! indication of the school needs in i the immediate future by Supt. W. Karl Hopkins of the city schools. In speaking1 of the probleme, Superintendent Hopkins said: "The problem of expanding and administering the schools in the : near future is so large and comprehensive that past achievement is insignificant. A few fundamental policies of the schools Which can not but be accepted as fundamental in their development arc offered as follows: "Is We should have adequate and properly supervised playgrounds and recreational centers for the children and adults of the city. "2. More universal use iof school buildings for the encouragement and promotion of the ed-] ucational, political, economic, ar-p tistic and moral interest of our citizens. "3. Courses of study sufficient- 1 ly diversified to meet the variation ( in the needs, capacities and inter- ) ests of all the children, of all .the 5 people including: The academic children. j The hand-minded chil-;" dren. The retarded children. The especially gifted - children. "4. The extension of all educational facilities to adults so that( they may increase their vocational i fitness and may develop their pow-j, er and desire to use their leisure i; time profitably. ADDITIONAL SCHOOLS "5. Additional elementary! schools sufficiently commodious to;: make possible the scientific classi- , fication of all the pupils. "6. Junior high schools for ev-j' ery boy and girl in Ogden. "7. A senior high school'large - enough and adequately equipped ; for all boys and girls of high,; school age. "8. The Americanization of all J un-American elements in the city, ' whether foreign or native born.. NEW BUILDINGS "Ogden must have some new 3 school buildings in the near future. (Jnifcss more buildings are erectea,!( hundreds of children in the first three grades will not be privileged ] f to attend school except on half day I-sessions. i( "Next year it is anticipated that! i there will be 1100 senior and ju-' nior high school pupils for whomjc iHe accomodations are being tern-!" porarily secured in the west side of the Weber college building. Ap-j1 proximately 700 pupils will be in ' the ninth grade, distributed in the z four junior high schools. I fully s believe that our public school at-P tendance next year in the regular ( day classes will pass the 9000 mark. I "We have been forced to give up ; the kindergartens for next year 1 for lack of room. j "There are registered in the! first grade 998 pupils. These have 1 been taught this year in half day sessions. Next year, it is hoped i that they may attend all day. This 3 Will entail, however, about 12 ad-i ditional teachers and room?. I ; sincerely hepe that we will mot bej compelled to extend half-day ses-r sions beyond the first grad«." i WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1928. LETTERS SENT TO EMPLOYERS Concerns School Rules Binding Minors Who Are at Work Instructions to employers regard- ; ing part-time school requirements ; are contained in a letter written by W. Karl Hopkins, superintendent of city schools, and Francis T. Wiggins, principal. Copies have been sent to business and industrial firms of Ogden. The letter reads: DATES FIXED "The Ogden city schools will commence work Monday, September 10. Part-time school classes ' for those granted certificates to , enter employment will be held each . Saturday from 8 a. m. to 12 noon, beginning Saturday, September 15; each Tuesday and Wednesday from 4 to 6 p. m., beginning Tuesday, September 18; and each Thursday and Friday, from 4:30 to 6 p. m., beginning September 20. Students, at the convenience of their employer, may choose their four hours of part-time school from the above schedule of classes. "The state law requires all persons under 16 years of age who have not been graduated from the eighth grade to attend school full time, unless excused by the superintendent. (Sickness or support of the family where there is a wid- owed mother or an invalid father, ; - constitute legitimate excuses.) Those persons over "16 and under 18 years of age who have not been graduated from high school must attend school full time unless le- 1 gaily excused to en.ter employment. "Persons who are granted certificates to enter employment must , attend part-time school at least J four hours per week, between the . hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p. m., during the school year. Students who are late in starting, or who absent themselves from assigned classes, must make up lost time. Irregular attendance and unsatisfactory work may necessitate cancellation of the ; work permit and full time school attendance will be required. LISTS DESIRED "Employers are requested to ap point one member of the firm to sign pupils' attendance cards each week. With this interest manifested, excellent attendance by students will result. Employers will please send to F. T. Wiggins as soon as possible a list of all their employes who are under 18 years of ap;e, or the statement "no minors are employed." If in doubt as to the age of an individual, please phone this office (telephone 457) : for the correct date of birth or se- ' . cure a birth certificate. For your ; protection, do not admit any person under 18 years of age to your employ who does not have a working permit from this office. "All students under 18 years of age who have not been graduated from high school and who do not anticipate attending school full time $ should register immediately at the J office of the board of education and obtain permits to enter em- t ployment. Parent or guardian must accompany applicants for permits." |